First Times: Part 5

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Clearly Shannon did not want Ron anywhere near me. Her whole body leaked anger as I looked into her green eyes. "I promise I'm not going anywhere." I said and kissed her forehead. 
"I love you." 

Shannon eased up a little. "I love you more." She said and gave her best smile. "It worries me that he found this place." 

"Ron is smart when he wants to be. He probably wised up and knew Wade could find me any place on the planet." 

Shannon's face grew tight. "Say what?" 

"My Kimmunicator," I pulled it out for her to see like had never before but she had. "Wade can find me anywhere at any given second." 

Shannon bit her bottom lip. "Grreaaaat. Now everyone is gonna come for you." She sighed very heavily. "If you need me I'll be in my office upstairs." 

"Yeah so you can watch us, huh?" 

Shannon shrugged then smiled. "Maybe." 

"Or you can just stay and listen to everything he has to say." I said and went to the door. 

Big Dante with a scar on his left cheek opened it. He said to Ron, "Come in at your own risk." 

Ron saw me and smiled so big. He jogged over. "K.P. it's been forever. Are you okay?" He saw Shego standing to the left. He whispered, "Did she hurt you?" 

I whispered back, "No. I'm great." 

"OH." He sounded very surprised. 

"What did you think I was gonna do to her toss her into a pit of snakes?" Shego said coming over. 

Ron was nodding. "Anything is possible when you're around." No pun intended at all. 

Shego laughed. "True." She added, "So you see she's alive and well so you can leave now." 

"Shannon." I gave a Stop - That type of look. 

"Shannon?" Ron looked so confused now. "You?" He pointed at Shego and his voice got higher in pitch, "You've got a real girl name?!" 

She rolled her eyes. "As does ex Bad Boy Zorpox, huh?" 

Ron fully blushed. "Eh . . . yeah that." 

"Me and all of my brothers have human names. It was just a strange coincidence that our names lined up all of our super hero names. Now get on with why you're here." 

"Kim, come home with me. I miss you. Your family misses you too." Ron said, eyes of hope looking into mine. 

Shego grabbed my hand and pulled me close. "It's a trap." She whispered. 

I pulled away. "I do miss my family. I should pay them a visit." 

Shannon was very firm with her next words, "If you need me call me, text me, if you need to reach me." 

I laughed to myself. Cute! "I promise."  I didn't kiss her goodbye. I didn't want Ron knowing about us just yet. 

Ron tried asking me all kinds of questions on the way home. And Shannon texted me three times to make sure I was ok. I just told her not to worry. 

My mom was at work and my dad was golfing at the country club. It was just me and Ron for a while. "I feel like you're holding back K.P. I can handle the truth I promise." 

I sat there for two minutes telling myself that Shannon was right. This was some sort of a trap. "Ron, Shannon is my girlfriend." 

"Who-a ho-ah. whhhhattt?" 

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