Dear Kim

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In high school we were assigned to write a letter to our future selves. As I sit here at the age of 38, this is what I wrote when I was seventeen. 


OMG, my life is filled with so many insane and memorable adventures of saving the world and the human race. Is it weird to have pictures of Shego and Drakken in my locker?They were some of my first run-ins with real evil. 

So my life right now is cheer, school and what I just mentioned. Some odd jobs and more strange happenings around the world. And I'm just your average teen that wants to graduate more than anything. 

Choosing a college will be really hard. I'm sure Ron wants me to stay close and my parents too. 

I'm smart, but find it hard to study and keep my grades up. Somehow I manage it. It's like I don't have an off switch. I do sleep! I'm not a robot. 

Future me, I want a life filled with even more adventures. I think I want kids too. A normal life and a beautiful wedding. (Hopefully no spoilers!) I wanna get into a good college and start a fun career. I have many possibilties. My heart says be a cheer and dance coach. Another part me wants my own dojo. I do know 16 types of kung fu! Part of me wants to get a jog with Global Justice. Another says, learn new things. 

I've looked around this room to see many people already done. Some are drawing things and some seem to not care. 

Kim remember to follow your heart and not your head. Make choices that are best for you and not other people. This is your life and don't let anyone change that. 

Let's be happy, smile and laugh. 

I know life has it's dark moments, but we can make it through. 

Take care of yourself! 

                                                                                                                                  And that's the sitch. 

Here I am now with two kids/teenagers. Kylie Ann and Timothy James or T.J. as we mostly call him. My life didn't go as planned. I did go to college in London with Ron and well I got pregnant at nineteen. With some help from my friend Monique, she was thrilled to be auntie Mo! She happily came to help me out with the baby. 

Ron and I graduated and moved back near Middleton. Since losing our old house to The Lorwardians, they found another lake house nearby. Ron's parents were out on a sorta permanent vacation. Since is Actuary working father can work anywhere at anytime, why not! 

Hana also moved to Florida. She's engaged and has a young son. 

And at graduation I didn't know that I was several weeks pregnant again. Life changing for sure! I didn't want more after that so I had my tubes tied. 

For a living I work at Upperton High School as a cheer coach and P.E. teacher. I am pretty happy with my life, but still love trying to help out others around here. Go City and surrounding areas. Sometimes Ron and I help out Team Go. Shego unfortunately never returned home. 

Honestly I don't know where she is now. I could get Wade to find her. 

Ron is manager at the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho. It's only a thirty minute drive from Upperton. He's in his own heaven you could say. 

We are doing well and thankful for all we have. 

Do I ever get sick of eating mexican leftovers? He brings them home at least four days a week. 


I guess all I have left to say is, Go Panthers! Go . . . . Upperton High, We're the best, Don't gotta ask why! 

(I mostly agreed to move to Upperton because of Ron's job. I'm still a Mad Dog forever!)

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