Everything I've ever loved

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because reading Shego's journal entry is  . . . everything! 

Everything I've ever loved is lost. Like a ship at sea in a hurricane everything has been pulled under. Gone are the days and nights I've spent thinking of you. I know my life has to be without you in it. And it's been like this for years now. 

No, I don't have to suffer or hold on. I choose to love knowing nothing will ever be returned. 

Remembering all the times we fought and I never truly blasted you with my power. I knew it would hurt you too much so I held back. 

I know you noticed it too. Though nothing was ever spoken there was an understanding between us. 

What are the chances of you ever reading this? Slim to none. I wouldn't mind being all ghosty and watching your face as my words shock your mind. I'll likely be gone before you anyway. 

Hego asked me why I was so miserable. I told him that my own company asked it to stay. He just laughed and sat with me. He said that I should just bury the past and move on. Then I see headlines on t.v. Newspapers, and social media platforms. You've saved the world again or some person from a situation. There's no slowing you down. 

Still all that as you always were. Drakken was hilarious for thinking you weren't. I know you wonder where I went. You likely still ask around, but I've stopped using Shego and going by another name now. Only Drakken knows where I am. 

He's slowly going insane. Sure he was bonkers before, but getting older makes you lose focus on what's around you. Sometimes I wake up in my own bed and think of the past. It's nothing haunting it's just how my mind is working now. 

I go over every little detail and analyze to the point where I get super angry. Then I take it out on something non-living. 

Over the years I've truly realized that love is always a closing door. You open you heart just to get rejected or used. I stay away from it and not just because of Kimmie. I don't need anything sappy. Sure I'll watch a movie or t.v. show but that's about it. 

My best years are behind me. That's the only thing I know for sure. 

All the things I've loved are locked in my heart. I've closed chapters I never thought I would. And to the girl that stole my heart when she was in high school, I'll always remember you. And will forever love you. 

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