9 | Appearance

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"Why would your dad deliver Jimmy?" Chloe asks Jennifer

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Why would your dad deliver Jimmy?" Chloe asks Jennifer.

"Don't call him that ever again." She snaps at her.

"We don't know for sure it's Wakefield. Kid might be telling stories again." Shane tells Chloe.

"Hey! You don't blame a little girl because she was afraid for her mother's life." Trish tells him.

"Don't get all high-and-mighty with me. You're the one who sent Abby out there to God knows what."

"She had good reason to think it was about Abby. We all did." Shea speaks up.

"And you all deserve to apologize to her too!" Jennifer snaps at them. "If you still wanna think it's about me too... I mean, you're right, but I didn't choose to be a baby of an affair with a killer. Twenty-seven years of my life, I had no clue I was his child! And if you try to give me shit for it..." She glares at them, "Fuck you."

Madison watches for the group to return, and Nikki explains that the lack of communication from the island likely won't be realized for a few days.

"Mommy, he's here!" Madison makes everyone look over as Wakefield busts through the door with a two-foot boarding knife.

Nikki runs for a shotgun behind the bar, but Wakefield stops her, and she shoots into the air before he runs her through with the knife.

"NIKKI!" Jennifer screams, so Wakefield looks over at her with a smile.

Shane tells everyone to leave as Wakefield pulls Nikki over the bar, leaving her on the floor. Shane pulls out a fishing knife to face Wakefield, and Trish forces everyone into the bathroom, grabbing a shotgun before she leaves.

"No, I can't let him kill Shane too. Plus, Jimmy is still out there." Jennifer tells Trish.

"There's nothing you can do to help." Trish tells her.

"He wants me! Yes, I can."

"No! I'm not letting you go out there." Trish shouts as they hear Shane groaning in pain as the others rush out the window.

"Please, Trish." Jennifer begs her.

"No, what if he wants you just to kill? I'm not risking that."

"Fine, give me the gun so you can go through next. I promise to be behind you." Jennifer sighs, so Trish passes her the gun to climb through the window.

Wakefield approaches the bathroom, and she shoots through the door, running out of shells. Wakefield kicks the door open, scaring her, "Face to face." He tells her.

"Hey," Shane speaks up weakly, so Jennifer rushes to get out, but Wakefield grabs her waist.

"JENNIFER!" Trish grabs her arms.

"Go!" Jennifer lets go of the gun, getting dragged back in.

"Let her go!" Shane shouts, coughing up blood.

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