7 | Suspicion

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Danny and Henry go to start the generator while Shea, Trish, and Katherine go to the kitchen

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Danny and Henry go to start the generator while Shea, Trish, and Katherine go to the kitchen. "I say we go to get a boat and get the hell out of here." Sully tells the others.

"I'm in." Chloe jumps up.

"I don't feel bad if something happens to you guys. You deserve it." Jennifer tells them as they start to leave.

"Jennifer," Sully sighs.

"Fuck you." She flips him off.

After Danny and Henry successfully jump-start the Inn's generator, they were confused to see Jennifer alone, "They left while Shea, Trish, and Katherine are in the kitchen." She tells them.

Henry goes to the Marina to stop everyone from leaving, and he tells Danny to shoot anyone he doesn't recognize while he stays with the girls.

"You okay?" Danny asks Jennifer.

"Of course not. And I'm pissed off at the others. How could you live with the fact that you could be responsible for killing a little girl? Sully gets mad at Malcolm for leaving Booth, but he leaves Madison to die."

"He's scared." Danny sighs.

"We're all scared. Do you think the person Cal found in the furnace could be Malcolm?" She asks him.

"Do you think that?"

"He's missing, and I'm 100% sure he didn't run off with the money. He felt terrible after coming clean. He probably wanted to get rid of the money. What better way than burning it?" Jennifer tells him what she thinks.

"That is a possibility." He agrees with her, thinking about what if she was right.

After an hour, Sully and Beth come back, "You were willing to let my daughter die. Anyone leaves the island, Madison dies! That's what we were told. And you tried to leave." Shea yells at Sully.

"We came back, all right? It doesn't matter."

"You don't know that! Nobody knows anything!" She yells at him more.

"Where's Henry?" Trish asks.

"We found JD. He's been killed." Sully tells her.

"Well, I-I thought he was in jail." Danny speaks up.

"He was at the Marina. Henry's taken his body to the clinic with everyone else."

"So if somebody killed JD, then does that mean he didn't kill my dad?" Trish asked as tires were screeching and loud music was playing outside.

"What the hell?" Danny asks.

"That's fucking Shane." Jennifer rushes to go out.

"Jennifer!" Sully yells for her, so he and Danny rush to go outside with her.

They watch her open the truck to see no one, so she turns off the truck just for Shane to point his gun at them.

"Put your gun down." She tells him.

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