I nod my head and explain the whole issue with the car and him taking the blame to Spencer for the damage and paying for it. I tell Mom how we've been hanging out and how he was in the band that was playing for the party, seemingly random (but Mom and I know there's know such thing as random, she and Janine taught me that). Finally, I told Mom that he's the he's the Donald that Chad and Janine were always talking about. I'm not going to tell her about the kiss on the cheek because I'm still processing it myself.

Mom looks like she's about to say something when we start hearing a commotion coming from Chester's room.


"I'm here to visit my brother and go home it's been a long night, man." I say emphatically to Spencer.

He was just shouting at me for not excepting (politely and respectfully) the job offer from Carolynn's dad to work at his law firm. Her dad seems like a nice, upstanding, well intentioned guy, (he mentioned both Carolynn and Chadly Bear talked me up) I just don't want to abandon Kenny right now and certianly not back to that freaking world. Spencer's doing nothing to change my mind.

"You want your brother here to suffer because you're so much of a bumb and can't take care of him because you'd rather flip burgers in your nothing town!?" He shouts at me again. I look over at Carl like WTF. What's his problem?

"Spencer, if he doesn't want to take the job he doesn't have to." Carl tries to calm him down.

"No, respectfully, sir, he didn't deserve the offer to begin with." Spencer retorts, "I'm not stupid I know you took the blame for Carolynn wrecking my car so I thought you had some charac-"

"Go! Go! Go! Leave Don-Don alone." Chester starts screaming and I don't blame him. Shouting makes him very sensitive especially when someone's yelling at me.

"It's alright, brother, it's been nice seeing you, I'm going to get your nurse." I kiss my brother on the cheek and leave.

"I'm sorry about him, Donald," Carl tries to make excuses for this guy, "he's just being protective."

"You know what, I don't care." I turn around and say sharply, "Spencer, I don't know what your beef is, but what I do with my brother and my private life isn't your business." I turn around to leave. I don't even realize Carolynn and her mom are standing right there looking at all this.

"It is my business when it involves you being friends with my fiance!" Spencer shouts. I turn to look at Carolynn with an aggressively annoyed look like I gave to Carl but more pronounced

"Spencer, stop!" Carolynn shouts, "Why are you being like this?!"

"Why-. I saw him kiss you on the cheek!" Spencer blurted out, "You think I didn't notice but I did and I notice you didn't scould him for it."

"So what, Spence?! We're setting a date remember!?" Carolynn shouts back. I didn't really care about any of this. I just wanted to visit my brother and now I'm pissed. I'm leaving. I get out of the hallway and wait for the elevator but it's not coming. Then I hear Carolynn shout my name and I see her run after me frantically with Spencer and her parents looking on from the distance.

"I'll take the stairs." I say. Keep in mind that I'm really the only one that hasn't raised their voice even though I really want to.

"Donny, wait!" Carolynn calls after me down the stair-well.


How could this night go so wrong so quickly? I don't know what's gotten into Spencer. I've never seen him act like this. I take the elevator to try and meet Donny dwnstairs. I feel so embarassed.

"If you go after him, he's taking you home!" Spencer shouts, "I was actually going to drive you back myself!" I don't really care right now. Spencer's being a psycho in the last place he wants to and the staff security is telling us all to leave.

Just a minute ago in Chester's unit a minute ago, Spencer said he saw Donny kiss me on the cheek."So what?!" I asked him, "and what do I have to do with Donny taking Dad's offer or not!?"

"He's into you, Carolynn!" I wasn't really expecting that, spencer continued "That's why he owned up for you trashing my car and why he kissed you on the cheek!"

"What's gotten into you, babe!" I say, "Four years we're toegther I've never seen you get jealous ever and now this guy makes you blow your stack?"

"That's because you never gave me a reason to be," Spencer said starting to sound desperate, "not only is he into you, you're clearly into him! I saw that little smile you made after he kissed you on the cheek. And now I hear you two actually have some history."

I didn't want to hear anymore so I took after Donny to try and make this right. "Look, Spencer, I love YOU! not him! but since you're the one acting like a jackass right now I will go with him!"


I come outside and immediately Carolynn runs out frantically behind me.

"Donny, please don't leave!" She cried out ,"I don't know what got into him he's normally not like this! Please I can't be around him right now! Please let me go home with you!"

I want very much to do just that but it wouldn't be right. She's clearly vulnerable right now and I can't take advantage of that. I have to play this cool, plus I probably have seconds before Spencer comes out.

"No, Carolynn," I say, "you need to go home with your fiance. I don't really know him but of what I do know is that he loves you or go home with your parents."

"My parents live in Connecticut, Donny," I retort, "besides, Spencer said that if I follow you I can't go to him." Then why did you? I'm not going to ask her that now.

Suddenly I see Spencer making their way down the hall from inside to out here. Her father right behind him. I have to think fast.

"Then we're just going to have to do something to change his mind won't we?" I begin to say, "just make sure you slap me after, alright?"

"After wha-" I cut her off by doing the only thing I could think of at the moment. I gently grab her arms and kiss her right on the mouth.


Oh my God, he's kissing me! He's kissing me! And I think I'm liking it even though I'm really confused, but just as I'm beginning to kiss back, he breaks apart.

He gives me a look and mouths the word 'now'. Instinctively I pick up what he's laying down because that's when I hear Spencer come out. I slap Donny hard.

"What are you doing, you pervert!?" I scream, trying to sell our little ruse, "I'm engaged! When I get back to Jersey don't talk to me, don't go near me."

Spencer sees this and turns to me and kisses me himself and says, "Okay, babe, clearly I was right about him and wrong about you, let's go home. I'll bring you there first thing tomorrow morning."

"I rescind my job offer, young man!" Dad adds in

And with that we go home feeling both grateful of Donny for saving me with Spencer, once again at his own expense but now with his kiss on my mouth (and yes, he kisses better than Spencer), I can't think of anything else and I can't wait to get back to Jersey (assuming I can hide this from Spencer and bring Dad in the loop).

End of chapter please comment and vote below

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