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Parker opened the door, revealing a panting Reggie and Evan.

"I ran here as soon as I got your text," Reggie wheezed.

"I only use my phone to contact my mother and pediatrician," Evan explained. "But when I saw Reggie running down the street, shouting 'I'm coming, Dr. P.', it seemed prudent to follow."

"And this is why I'm glad I got your text earlier," I commented.

Parker nodded and stepped aside. "You ready for a Linda and Heather marathon?"

"What do you think?" Reggie unzipped his jacket, revealing his gray Linda and Heather shirt.

"Boom, chicken soup!" the boys exclaimed.

"We get to have soup? Yes!" Evan cheered.

"Evan, it's a saying on the show," I explained.

"My bad, dawg," Evan said, making me smile. "And mother just allowed me to start watching TV. I haven't had the courage to do it yet, but today's the day."

"Evan, all you need to know is Linda and Heather are besties. And, in the last episode Reggie, (Y/n), and I saw together, Linda was invited to be the first teenager on the international space station."

"Do you think she'll take Heather with her, or her vampire boyfriend, Steve?" Reggie asked us.

"Her best friend, obviously," I answered. "I mean, I would choose my best friend over my boyfriend any day."

"For once, I don't take offense to that," Parker commented. "You didn't watch Linda and Heather for the last month because I wasn't allowed to watch it. Because you would choose me over some girl."

"So," I walked over to the couch, "we have to watch four episodes before the finale. Shall we get started?"

Parker nodded, smiling at me. He wrapped an arm around me and planted my body in between him and Evan. "No time for breaks, so our butts are stapled to this couch for the rest of the night."

"But what if I need a drink?" Evan asked. "My mom said I could only come over if I kept myself properly hydrated."

"Please," Parker scoffed. "You're in Dr. P's world now." He held up a hose. "This is hooked up to lemonade." He held up another. "Chocolate milk." The last one. "And guacamole for our chips!"

"We get to have chips? The forbidden fruit?" Evan questioned.

Parker reached to the table and grabbed a remote. "I was saving this for Christmas, but today's more important." A Santa robot with chips on a plate appeared playing Christmas music.

Evan stood up and placed a hand over his heart. "God bless us. Everyone."


"This episode is epic!" Parker said excitedly. "I can't wait for the season finale on the international space station. Dare I say it? I'm a little giddy."

"Wait until you see the end of this episode, when the girls catch the phantom break dancer. He's the b-boy that you can't see, boy!"

Parker and I realized what he just said.

"Wait. How do you know how they catch the phantom break dancer?" Parker questioned. Parker gasped, shooting up. "You watched this episode without us!"

"I'm sorry. I watched all the episodes," Reggie admitted. He stood up, facing his best friend. "It's the phantom break dancer, Parker! How could I turn away?"

"I thought we were friends," Parker said.

"Reggie! We agreed to wait for Parker!" I agreed.

"Why should we be punished because you blew up your fridge?" Reggie snapped.

"I was building that time machine for us!" Parker retorted.


"Can I please watch Linda and Heather?"

I looked over at the outcasted boy. He had a popcorn bucket over his head. "Traitor" was written in giant, bold letters across tape Parker found in the kitchen. Reggie was sitting in an armchair like he was being held captive.

"You saw this one already, traitor. You've earned the bucket of shame," Parker said. Parker looked at Evan and me. "So, friend and girlfriend who did not betray my trust, who do you think Linda will take on the international space station? Heather or Steve the vampire?"

"I'm afraid to express an opinion for fear that I will get a bucket, too." Evan scooted a little farther away.

"Linda's going to take Heather. Think about it. Didn't they already confirm, like, two more seasons? How would the show go on if Linda didn't take Heather? It's Linda and Heather, not Linda and Steve." I rolled my eyes at the second title.

Parker smiled fondly at me the whole way through my mini-rant.

"Linda, I shouldn't have lied to you."

"But you're my friend, Heather. Friends forgive friends."

"Bestie hugs!"

"Wow. When the wacky hijinks end, this show makes me think about life," Evan admitted.

"Reggie, take that bucket off and give me a Linda and Heather bestie hug, you big dummy," Parker demanded.

Reggie took the bucket off eagerly. The two hugged the same way Linda and Heather did on the show. They ended with jazz hands and, "Besties!"


"We're back!" Mr. Rooney cheered as they ran into the house.

Parker shushed him. "No talking!"

"It's the season finale," I explained.

"Linda, have you made your decision?"'

"I have, Heather."

Parker gasped, grabbing my hand. "This is it! This is the moment!"

"The person I want to join me on the international space station is..."

'"To be continued," Evan read.

"No!" Reggie and Parker exclaimed dramatically.

"What's happening?" Evan questioned.

"We got cliff-hangered," I whined.

"Evan, honey, sometimes a show ends a season with an unfinished moment to bring viewers back in for the next season," Mrs. Rooney explained.

"My mom was right! Television is a demon box!" Evan exclaimed.

"Dr. P! What are we going to do?" Reggie asked.

"We are gonna sit on this couch until season three starts," Parker decided.

"Well, I have to go home because I have a curfew," I explained.

Parker got up and hugged me affectionately. "See you guys later."

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