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Parker offered the seat to his left one morning for school. I happily took it, starting a conversation with the boys. I sat back and listened to how they talked. Parker glanced at me every so often.

"Hi." Parker's sister, Liv, peeked her head through the frame. "Hello. So I'm the new kid. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna try and fit in."

She walked to the front of the class. Everyone started shooting spitballs at her. I slunk in my seat. I motioned with my hands to spitball as you're sitting down. Mrs. Snodgrass walked in as soon as Liv sat down.

"Well, Miss Rooney, I see you're still not mature enough for sixth grade," Mrs. Snodgrass commented, motioning to hand over the straw.


"I see you've all had the chance to meet our newest student, Liv Rooney," Mrs. Snodgrass started. "She's a young woman who thought running off to Hollywood was more important than her academic commitments. Much like Miss (Y/n), who joined us just a few weeks ago."

I sank in my seat. Did she really need to ridicule me after missing a month of school?

Liv scoffed. "Well, you see, about that-"

"Miss Rooney, you did not raise your hand. Perhaps you've forgotten how sixth grade works." Mrs. Snodgrass turned back to the class. "This week is group projects week. Each group will perform part of a class Shakespeare play."

"I love Shakespeare!" Liv said excitedly.

"You also love talking when you aren't called on," Mrs. Snodgrass replied. "Yes, Evan?"

"Perhaps Liv could benefit from a trip to the attitude adjustment chair," Evan suggested.

Liv laughed nervously. "No. No. Please, Mrs. Snodgrass, not the chair. I swear, I can be better."

"Sit. And think about who is to blame for this," Mrs. Snodgrass instructed.

Liv sat in the chair. Mrs. Snodgrass revealed the whiteboard. "All right, students. Pick your partners for the group project."

"Can we do a group of five?" Parker asked.

"Yes, I suppose." Mrs. Snodgrass sighed.

Parker raised his hand again. "Then we'll take the new student."

"All right, Miss Hollywood. Your little brother has taken pity on you. You may retake your seat."

"Yay!" Liv cheered. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Snotgra..." Liv stopped, then sat back in the chair. "I have no one to blame but myself."


I joined the boys soon after I was dropped off at my stop. Liv was about to go upstairs.

"Liv!" I called, noticing the signs. "You have a couple bits of fuzz." I tore off the notes gently and Liv walked upstairs.

Parker slung his arm around me and walked into the kitchen. Liv was getting water.

"What?" Liv asked.

"Nothing. I just wish we knew someone who could tell the rest of us what to do on this theater and acting project," Parker explained.

"Ooh! I played Little Orphan Annie at my mom's co-op production," Evan explained. "Uh, I mean huh, it's a conundrum."

"Well, to add to Evan's thought, I've participated in several plays and musicals throughout elementary school and sixth grade. Oh, and I've done guest parts on little shows," I explained.

"Great!" Liv grinned. "I was thinking we could do a scene from Romeo and Juliet."


"Leaping lizards!"

"You're smarter enough to be a seventh grader," Reggie said, making me raise an eyebrow.


I didn't agree with it, but I went along. Evan started and Liv did all the work.

"Liv, that was exceptional," Mrs. Snodgrass commented. "I'm giving the group an F."

"What?" we questioned.

"The point of a group exercise is for the group to work on the presentation as a group. Liv did everything. All you kids did was stand there," Mrs. Snodgrass explained.

"You think that curtain just opened itself?" Parker said in disbelief.

"Please, Mrs. Snodgrass. Don't blame them. This was all my fault," Liv pleaded.

"Oh, I'm sorry. All my grades are final," Mrs. Snodgrass said.

"I feel flushed. I think I'm gonna faint," Evan stated.

"Okay." Liv walked over to our teacher. "Please, give us another chance. I mean, don't you always say look for the teachable moment?"

"Oh, I do always say that," Mrs. Snodgrass whined. "Fine. One more chance. Make it work, or summer school for all of you. And fair warning... I'm not as easygoing in the summer."

"I can't be here over the summer. July's when Mother promised I could finally watch television!" Evan grabbed Liv's arm. "Fix this, woman!"


Parker stood up. "Okay, girls. What do we do?"

Liv shook her pointer finger. "We are not putting all of this on us again."

"We're not doing any of this 'we don't know what we're doing', 'huh, it's a conundrum' stuff again," I agreed.

"See, Mrs. Snodgrass said that we need to work together as a group. And I know you can rock this Shakespeare stuff at least as hard as I did, so... Who's got an idea?" Liv asked.

"Ooh! I've got an idea," Reggie perked up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think we should do what you say," Reggie explained, standing by me.

"You're not understanding this at all," Parker said.

"I am not, Dr. P," Reggie replied.

"Perhaps we should work as a unit and come up with a presentation that showcases all of our talents," Evan suggested.

"Ooh!" Reggie stepped over to Evan. "Let's do what he said."

"Seriously?" Parker questioned.

"Oh, this is going to be such a long night." Liv sighed.

"Better not be. My bedtime's five thirty," Evan commented.


"Now that we've established that there are special rules for Team Hollywood, let's suffer through their do-over."

I was a peasant girl, so I was just dressed in rags, like Cinderella. We did a rap concept, making sure everyone played a part in it. Parker smiled at me once we finished, ending in a pose.

"So, what'd you think?" Liv asked.

"Congratulations. You passed," Mrs. Snodgrass announced.

"Yes!" Liv cheered. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Snotgrass! Snodgrass! I meant Snodgrass!"

"I'll let it sicka-sicka-slide," Mrs. Snodgrass taunted. "Snodgrass out."

Scientific ActressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora