29 | Love seeds?

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"laut itu berisik,tapi menenangkan"

Arealina kini berada di kantin mereka sedang memainkan permainan truth or dare.

"Ayo let putar botolnya"ujar Arealina.

"Sabar Napa le"balasnya.

Letta memutar botol plastik itu,botol itu berputar dengan cepat dan tak lama botol itu mulai melambat mereka semua was-was hingga akhirnya botol itu berhenti tepat di depan Arealina,letta dan Aleena yang melihat itu tersenyum miring.

"Truth or dare?"ucap Aleena.


"Yah gak asik padahal ada yang mau gue tanyain"ucap letta dengan lesu.

"Buruan apa?!"ujar Arealina.

"Lo nyanyi di tengah lapangan,gimana??"Ucap Aleena.


"Eitss...,Kita ga Nerima penolakan"ucap letta.

"Let ambil gitar di ruang musik gih"suruhnya pada letta.

"Yee gue mulu,yaudah tunggu"ucap letta dan pergi menuju ruang musik.


Lapangan sekolah kini telah penuh dengan siswa/i tak hanya itu guru pun ikut serta.

Arealina kini duduk di kursi yang di sediakan oleh Aleena tepat di tengah lapangan dan jangan lupakan gitar yang sudah ada di tangannya, ia mulai memetik sinar gitar tersebut.

Princesses Don't Cry

Andrew Austin / Aviva Mongillo / Elizabeth Boland

Boys, they're handsome and strong
But always the first to tell me I'm wrong
Boys try to tame me, I know
They tell me I'm weird and won't let it go.

No, I'm fine, I'm lying on the floor again
Cracked door, I always wanna let you in
Even after all of this shit, I'm resilient.

'Cause a princess doesn't cry (no-oh)
A princess doesn't cry (no-oh, oh)
Over monsters in the night
Don't waste our precious time
On boys with pretty eyes.

A princess doesn't cry (no-oh)
A princess doesn't cry (no-oh, oh)
Burning like a fire
You feel it all inside
But wipe your teary eyes.

Girls, so pretty and poised
And soft to the touch
But God made me rough
Girls, so heavy the crown
They carry it tall
But it's weighing me down.

No, I'm fine
I'm lying on the floor again
Cracked door
You're only going to let them in, once
And you won't come undone.

Cause a princess doesn't cry (no-oh)
A princess doesn't cry (no-oh, oh)
Over monsters in the night
Don't waste our precious time
On boys with pretty eyes.

AREALINA [ END ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant