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Will's POV

It's 10 years later. Nico and I are both 26 and I was planning to propose tonight. It's our 10th anniversary and we were going to dinner at the Italian restaurant we went to when we first became official. I had bought the ring a month ago and it was perfect. We had talked about this before and we agreed that we both wanted a ring, so I bought one for me too. 



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I was the working at the hospital and Hades helped pay for them as well

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I was the working at the hospital and Hades helped pay for them as well. He had been trying to heal his relationship with Nico since he was 18 and it's slowly getting better but I don't know if it will ever be what it was before Maria died. Our friends have been trying more with Nico too and we are all pretty close. Speaking of our friends...

Seaweed Brain: Hey Will, u nervous?

You (Dr. Sunshine): Little bit. I don't know why, we've talked about this before

Wise Girl: It's normal. Just remember that Nico loves you and nothing will change that.

You (Dr. Sunshine): I know, my brains just kind of everywhere right now

Beauty Queen: You'll be fine, Will! Just breath

Animal Lover: When I proposed to Hazel, I was nervous but everything turned out fine. 

Archer Kayla: You got this, Bro! 

AustinTheMusical: Nico'll love it! 

You (Dr. Sunshine): Thanks guys. Nico's waking up, got to go! 

I shut off my phone just in time to see Nico waking up. His beautiful brown eyes cracked open and looked at me sleepily. "Hey Death Boy. Happy anniversary." He smiled slowly.

"Happy anniversary, Sunshine." He moved so his head was resting on my chest and looked up to see my eyes. We kissed sleepily and he moved to get up. I got up too and went to get ready. 

"Are you going to the Underworld today?" I asked. Nico had been going to the Underworld recently to help his father with Cerberus and his new pups. 

"No I told my father that I couldn't help today. I mean, you took the day off at the hospital so we could spend the whole day together and I have no complaints." I smiled and kissed his hand. 

"Are you sure you're okay, Will?" He asked for the third time that night. 

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, Neeks." 

"You're fiddling with your jacket." He pointed out. Ugh, I need to stop doing that.

"It's nothing to be worried about. I promise." He seemed to relax at that when he saw my hands weren't connected to the blazer. He grabbed them into his own. 

"How's your pasta?" He asked, taking a bit of his lasagna. 

"Good. You?" I asked, trying to calm myself down. I could tell he knew something was up, but didn't say anything. His eyes were light blue and pink

"Good, as usual. Do you think we could get gelato too?" 

"Sure, anything you want, baby." It was time. "Um...Neeks..." I got up and he looked at me, confused. "I love you. From the moment I saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful person on earth. I never would have thought I would be able to date you, let alone for 10 years. The most wonderful 10 years of my life." His eyes turned gray, gold, pink, light brown, and orange, that was slowly disappearing. He knew what I was doing. He seemed happy about it. "You are smart, funny, and the most loving man I know. There are so many reasons why I love you, too many to list right now. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I pulled out the ring and I got down on one knee. "Thats why I'm asking you...if you'll marry me?" Nico was staring, frozen in the booth. His eyes were pink and light brown. "Neeks?" He unfroze.  

"Y-yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you, you idiot." He got up and hugged me tightly. He pulled away for a moment to kiss me and hugged me again. This time, I pulled away so I could slide the ring on his hand and my ring on mine. He looked at it tearfully. 

"It's perfect, Sunshine. I love it. I love you." Everyone in the restaurant clapped while we kissed and hugged again. Eventually, we sat back in the seats with the biggest smiles we've ever had on our faces. "Best anniversary ever." I chuckled. 

"I'm just glad you said yes." He looked at me almost hurt. 

"Why would I ever say no to you? You're the love of my life, Will." He said seriously. 

"And you're mine. That's why I asked. We're going to get married, Neeks!" 

"Oh my gods...that hadn't really registered until now." 

"You're not taking back your answer, are you?"

"Of course not! It's just...wow. We're getting married!" Nico stared at the ring on his finger before looking me in the eye. "Who's going to walk down the aisle?" 

"Do you care? Because I was kinda thinking we both could..." He asked. 

"I love it. It's perfect." 

If you told me 15 years ago I'd be married to Nico di Angelo for over 5 years, owned a dog and cat with him, and be thinking of adoption, I would have thought I died and went to Elysium. But here I was, watching a movie in our house with Nico sleeping soundly on my shoulder. Our yorkie, Dodona, resting on my lap while our black cat, Skelly, was resting with her head on my husbands leg. These past few years have been amazing. Something out of a dream. I wouldn't trade my life right now for anything. Sure we've had our fights, we're not perfect, but we love each other. A lot of people have asked me which one of Nico's eye colors were my favorite. If you had asked me 15 years ago, I would have said the same thing as I would now. Pink. The color of his love. 

The colors of my Love- SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now