Nico's POV

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"You're more of an open book than me, and that's saying something." I pointed to my eyes. 

"There's a color you haven't told me yet. What's pink mean?" What? My eyes turned orange. 

"What do you mean pink? That's not a color I have." He shook his head and took a picture of my eyes. He showed it to me and my jaw dropped. There were specks of pink in my eyes along with orange and gold. 

"I haven't had a new color appear in years..." I muttered. The last color that appeared was dark green, jealousy, when I met Annabeth. I can't believe I ever liked Percy like that. Will is so much better. 

"So do you know what it is?" I shook my head. I had no idea. 

"Have you noticed it before?" He nodded.

"It hasn't appeared in full, but I've seen little specks like this a couple times. It usually appears with gold and light brown." I thought about it. The group would have told me if they noticed a new color so it must have only appeared in front of Will. Could it be a romantic like? No, only feelings that are completely different from the others appear. If that was one, romantic love would be one too and those were too similar. Wait...romantic love...that would make sense why it only appears in specks and never in full because I don't fully love him yet. It's too early. That's what it is... "What's up? You look like a fire hydrant."

"N-nothing. I-I'm going to go do this now. See you at lunch." I lifted the note he gave me earlier and walked away. I opened the paper and reread it for the hint. 

Hey Neeks! I put together a little scavenger hunt for you! It's all at school, inside and outside. Here's the first haiku:

All of our friends join

For enjoyment and a break

Each day, sit at twelve

12:00? We have lunch at's the lunchroom! I walked to the room and searched for the clue. I had a free period so I didn't have to worry about being late. I found the next paper at the table we always sit at. Specifically, underneath the trash can by it. 

Good job, Neeks! Though, you're really smart so I shouldn't be's the next one! 


Near the gym and track


Near the gym and track...what looks like a locker combo...somewhere uncomfortable...the changing room! Probably in his locker if he gave me the combo. We had the same PE class, so I knew which one it was. They were far enough apart that I couldn't see him changing, thankfully. My heart couldn't handle that. I had to be sneaky to get into the changing rooms because there was a PE class going on right now, running on the track. Luckily, they weren't locked and I went to his locker. I twisted the lock to the code. 




It worked. Inside was another piece of paper and his gym clothes. I really wanted to steal them (I mean, the opportunity was right there!) but I already had his jacket from stargazing that he assisted I keep and he wouldn't have anything to change into during PE. I wasn't that mean. Sometimes...

Hey Neeks! Here's the next one:


But we need to use the room

Water is the cause

Will thinks everything is unsanitary so that isn't much help. Water...oh, is it the bathroom? Probably. I'll check. Sure enough, there was a paper in the broken stall, on top of the toilet paper roll. 

Almost there! Here you go, Death Boy:

My favorite subject

Do you know my future job?

'Ologies are cool

Will wants to be a doctor when he's older and his favorite subject is science, which fits in with the last line. It was our science classroom, which was in session now. I'd have to get it at lunch. Good timing too, because the bell was about to ring. 

It was lunch. 

"Hey, I'm not going to be sitting with you guys today." I told everyone. 

"Why? Found better friends?" Thalia joked. 

"No, it doesn't matter. I'm not even going to be eating lunch." 

"Um, yes you are! Just eat something then go." Will argued stubbornly. I glared at him, but he didn't even flinch. 

"Fine." I sat down next to him, his hand instantly finding mine. "But I'm eating some of yours." He handed me the bag of orange slices. "They're not as good as pomegranate." I was 50% sure he was over acting how much he loves pomegranate because he knows I like it. I lo-like him. Just like. He's not perfect at all...


"Woah! Nico, you have a new color!" Piper exclaimed. Yeah, I have a feeling my guess was right about the pink. 

"I know." 

"What emotion is it?" Percy asked. 

"I'm not telling you guys. You know I don't tell anyone my colors." I said, glaring at him. 

"That's not true..." I heard Will mutter, and I elbowed him lightly in the ribs. I finished the orange slices and got up. Will got up too and pulled my aside. "Where are you in the scavenger hunt?" 

"I'm going to the science classroom right now." He nodded. 

"Got it. Thanks for playing along. It'll be worth it! Bye Neeks!" 

"Bye, Sunshine." I wonder what awaited me at the end of this game. I didn't fail to notice Will didn't go back to the table, but out of the lunchroom. 

I went into our science classroom and found Mrs. Jackson-Blofis at her desk. "Hello, Nico. Are you looking for this?" She handed me the next clue. 

"Thanks Aunt Sally, see you at home." She obviously wasn't my real aunt, but I lived in her house so she insisted I call her that. Plus, she was Percy's mom, who is technically my fathers nephew. 

Almost there! Here you go:

Your favorite subject

A torture chamber for me

How do you like it? 

Easy. The math classroom. There, Mr. D, who is also the theater teacher, gave me the last one. 

Just one more after this one:

The busiest place

Staying and chatting with friends


Another locker combo, which probably means his regular locker. I went over to it and put in the code. "AH!" I screamed. "WILL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?! YOU SCARED THE HADES OUT OF ME!!" Will sheepishly stepped out. 

"...sorry...but here..." he handed me a bouquet of flowers, which I didn't realize he was holding before. It had Calla Lilies, White Camellias, and White Carnations. They were shimmering slightly which meant it must have been from Persephone's garden. They were beautiful. 

"T-thank you...they're amazing." He smiled. 

"Good. I'm glad you like them. Here's the final one." He handed me a piece of paper. I moved the flowers in my arms so I could hold it. At first I was confused since there was only one sentence but then I read it. 

Will you go to the dance with me, Death Boy?

The colors of my Love- SolangeloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora