Nico's POV

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There was a reason I never told them my birthday. And no it wasn't because I didn't want to be the center of attention. I didn't particularly like that part, but it wasn't the main reason. On my 10th birthday, Bianca went into a coma. She stayed that way until I was almost 12. They were the worst years of my life. The worst day of my life. Bianca always wanted me to enjoyed my birthdays, and I tried, really. But whenever I see the Seven on January 28th, I break down. I don't think it was their fault anymore. I got over that. You see, they didn't know it was my birthday, but we were hanging out together. They wanted to go into this junkyard, and I was the youngest at the time besides Hazel, so I couldn't really object since they were all 2-3 years older than me. So, I agreed. Bianca wasn't really part of our friend group, but she wanted to hang out with me on my birthday so she went too. That was where she went into the coma. A pile a yard tall fell on her, crushing her. 

I know it's pathetic to break down just seeing them on my birthday, it's not like she died, but still. I just can't get over the feeling someone would get hurt. I really did care for everyone coming and I didn't want them to go into a coma or worse. Especially not Will. Unfortunately, no one ever listened to me in this friend group and tended to brush over everything I said. So, they were throwing a birthday party for me. Great. I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I sucked it up and answered it. Thank the gods it was Reyna. "Hey Nico. Do you want me to distract them so they don't notice you're gone? You can hide in your room for almost the whole time." Again, thank the gods for Reyna. The only person that actually listens to me. But she only knew I felt like this because of that time I passed out after I used too much power and accidentally showed her my darkest memories. 

"Yes! Please." I begged. She nodded, reassuring me. 

"Don't worry, no one will bother you." She said. She sat on the couch with Percy, Jason, Thalia, and Hazel. I had asked Bianca not to come in fear she would get hurt, she understood and was hanging out with her friends Zoe and Phoebe. I headed to my room when she started talking and showing her gift bag she was going to give me. I curled up at the foot of my bed. My eyes were pure dark blue. Sadness. I let some tears fall until I was full on sobbing. I made sure to keep quiet as to not bother anyone outside my room. I was pretty sure everyone was there after 10 minutes since I counted the amount of times the doorbell rang. I kept thinking of Bianca's unconscious body in the hospital that I visited every day for almost 2 years. How she almost died on this day. Someone knocked on the door. I thought Reyna was supposed to distract everyone! Maybe that's her... I waited until I felt I could speak without sobbing. 

"Who is it?" My voice wavered. 

"It's Will...are you okay?" It wasn't Reyna. It was crush. My crush was going to see my cry like a baby. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to everyone else." My voice cracked at least two times in that sentence. 

"I'm coming in." The door opened and I caught sight of golden curls and shimmering blue eyes. He walked in till he was right in front of me. "You want to talk about it?" He looked at my tear-stained cheeks. I hid my face. He probably thinks I'm a baby...If I told him the truth maybe he would understand...

"Remember when I said my sister was in a coma?" He nodded. "It happened 6 years ago today." He immediately wrapped me in a warm hug. I sobbed onto his shoulder. 

"Do you want me to go?" He whispered. I shook my head. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to keep hugging me. "Okay, I won't." We hugged (and I sobbed) for another 5 minutes before I let go. 

"I have something that might cheer you up." He told me. "Or make you feel worse..." I knew he couldn't make me feel worse so I nodded, telling him to keep going. "I'll be right back, okay." I nodded, not wanting him to leave, but trusting he'll be back. 

He reentered the room with a large box. I rolled my dark blue and gold eyes at him. A birthday present. A huge one at that. I've only known him for about a week and he gives me this. 

"Open it!" He told me, shoving the box in my lap. I slowly unwrapped it and was stunned to find a black guitar. I didn't know how to play this, but I would learn for him. This most have cost a fortune. He also showed me his own guitar that I didn't notice he had, that was strapped to his back. "I wanted to teach you how to play a certain song. Would you like that?" I nodded, smiling a little. I felt my eyes go light brown, gray, red, and gold. He smiled at me. Beautiful. "Okay, I'll play it first, then I'll show you, okay?" I nodded again. 

He started playing. I recognized it instantly and started tearing up again. 

When the cold winds is a-calling

And the sky is clear and bright

Misty mountains sing and beckon

Lead me out into the light

I will ride, I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky

I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky

Na-na, na-na-na-na

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Where the dark woods hide secrets

And mountains are fierce and bold

Deep waters hide reflections

Of times lost long ago

I will hear their every story

Told hold of my own dream

Be as strong as the seas are stormy

And proud as an eagle's scream

I will ride, I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky

Na-na, na-na-na-na

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na

And touch the sky

Chase the wind, Chase the wind

Touch the sky

As soon as he was done, I attacked him in a hug. 

The colors of my Love- SolangeloKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat