Nico's POV

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It's been a few days since my friends threatened Will and we were going on our second date tomorrow. We were going stargazing at 7 in the forest near my house. I was hopelessly excited. Right now, we were doing our homework together in my living room. Percy and Jason were on a double date with Annabeth and Piper, Bianca and Thalia were hanging out with Zoe and Phoebe, and Hazel was respecting Will and I's privacy by staying in her room. 

"You finished with number 13?" I asked him. He nodded. 

"Yep! You?"

"Yeah. Do you get 9.3?" I asked. 

"You're really smart you know that? Explain it to me?" He asked sheepishly. I blushed. 

"Sure. Let me see what you did." He handed me his notebook. Apparently he got the answer -6.5. 

"Uh...can you explain to me what you did to get that answer? I can't read this." It was filled with so many eraser marks, I could barley even see the numbers. 

"I honestly don't know. I don't get algebra. I completely forgot how to do it after middle school and just...never remembered." He admitted, chewing on his lip. 

"Maybe I can help. Let's start with a simple problem." I thought of an example and wrote it in another page of the notebook. "N+7= -4. Why don't you try and solve that?" I handed it back to him. He stared at it for a few minutes until he finally wrote something. He showed me his answer, which was 32. "That''d you even get that answer?"

"I don't know! Like I said, I don't get algebra!" He pouted, which was absolutely adorable. 

"Okay, let me explain. You see the 7 with the plus in front of it?" He nodded. "That plus gets turned into a minus," I wrote what I was doing on the paper as I did it so he could look back. "And gets duplicated on the other side, under the -4. So, now the 7s get crossed out, and the problem is -4-7. What's that equal?" He thought for a second. 

"-11?" He asked, hopefully. 

"Good job!" I cheered. He smiled. 

"Another one?" He asked, sheepishly. I nodded. 

"How're you doing?" I asked him. 

"Better! I still don't like algebra, but at least I get it." We smiled. 

"Do you want a snack?" 

"Sure, if it's not a problem." I shook my head. 

"Of course not! What d'you want? We have...pomegranate slices, sandwiches, crackers..." I listed. 

"Pomegranate...?" He asked, nervously. I rolled my eyes. 

"Don't worry, children of Hades just really like pomegranates. You won't get stuck in the Underworld or here." I told him, smiling. I decided to tease him a little. "Maybe." He fake-gasped and poked my stomach, making me squirm. 

"Rude." He joked. He was the only person in my friend group besides Hazel I didn't mind joking about me, because I knew they would never say anything even unintentionally rude to me or about me. I may have only known Will for a short amount of time, but I trusted him. He listens to me, compliments me, and I can tell he cares about me a lot. I do too. He's amazing. 

"So...what d'you want?" I asked him. 

"Well, I've never actually tried pomegranate, but if you like it, I'll try it." I take it back, he's perfect

"Sure, I'll go get it." I said, getting up. I got the slices for both of us and went back to the couch. 

"Thanks, Neeks." He said, grabbing some of them. 

"Neeks?" He blushed. 

"Just something I thought of." I smiled at him. 

"I like it. Just from you though." I said that last part quietly to myself but I'm pretty sure he heard it from his bright red face. "Now try it. I'm sure you'll love it." He ate one of the pomegranate slices and his eyes lit up. 

"Oh my gods...this is amazing." He turned to me. "Nico, Death Boy, Neeks," I blushed. "Could you plleeaassee get me more?" I laughed. 

"You haven't even finished those!" I gestured to the 6 slices left on his plate. He pouted. "Fine, because you asked nicely." I gave him some of mine and got more for myself. 

"Thank yoouuu." He dragged out. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Eat your pomegranates." He gladly did. 

" you want me to pick you up here tomorrow?" He asked me once he was finished. 

"You don't have to. I could pick you up." I argued. 

"You have a car?" He asked. "Didn't you just turn 16?" I blushed. 

"Shut up." I muttered. "I don't need a car, I could walk." He rolled his eyes.

"Just let me drive you, it's easier." 

"Fine." I said, defeated. Normally, I would insist to just walk, but I didn't want to make him walk because of my stubbornness. He smirked. 

"You do realize you said that out loud, right?" 

", I was not aware of that." 

"You're such a gentleman." He teased. I buried my face in my hands as he laughed. 

"Shut up." 

"I don't think I will." 


Today was my second date with Will. We were an absolute mess at school, with all the blushing, glancing, and staring we did, luckily not many noticed. 

Sunshine: I'm here!

Death Boy: Coming. 

I opened the door to see Will by his car in a jean jacket, white shirt, and dark blue denim jeans. He looked really pretty. I blushed. 

"Hey." I said to him, double checking it was in english. 

"Hey, Neeks. Ready to go?" I nodded and we got in the car. "So you're going to have to tell me the directions to this forest." 

"Just keep going straight until you reach the end of the block, turn right, forward for another mile or two, and you're there. Pretty simple." 

"Got it." He said, starting the car. I couldn't help but stare at him as he was driving, singing along with the radio. He looked like an angel. He could be if he took your last name, which literally means angel, I stopped my thoughts before they spread. "Why do you look like a fire hydrant?" Will asked, glancing at me. 

"Umm..." I said intelligently. "No reason." 

"Okay...?" He giggled. We spent the rest of the ride in comfortable silence. 

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