Will's POV

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Let's recap a little: I arrived at the party, sat with my siblings, and talked to everyone a little bit, but couldn't help but notice Nico wasn't there. I snuck away from everyone to go see where he was. I figured his bedroom was the one with skeleton stickers on the door. I heard small sniffles come from inside and frowned. I knocked and waited for a response. 

"Who is it?" The voice (that was clearly Nico's, with the pretty Italian accent) wavered.

"It's Will...are you okay?" I asked. I've only known him for about a week! Why would he answer me!?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to everyone else." His voice cracked three times. 

"I'm coming in." I opened the door and saw the boy curled up on the foot of his bed, clearly having been crying. I walked in till I was right in front of him. "You want to talk about it?" I looked at his tear-stained cheeks. He was still beautiful even when he was crying. He hid his face from me. 

"Remember when I said my sister was in a coma?" I nodded. That was why I chose that as my present. "It happened 6 years ago today." I immediately wrapped him in a hug. He sobbed onto my shoulder.

"Do you want me to go?" I whispered. He shook his head. Good because I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of leaving him like this. "Okay, I won't." We hugged for a little while until he let go. 

"I have something that might cheer you up." I told him. "Or make you feel worse..." What if he didn't want to be reminded of Bianca? What if it made him sadder?  But he nodded, telling me to keep going. "I'll be right back, okay." He nodded, again. I left the room and grabbed my present, and the other guitar for myself. 

I reentered the room and he rolled his beautiful dark blue and gold eyes at the present. I wondered what those colors meant. I was fairly certain dark blue was sadness, teal was embarrassment, and green was annoyed, but I wasn't entirely sure of the others. 

"Open it!" I told him, shoving the box onto his lap. He slowly unwrapped it and froze at the guitar. I also showed him my own guitar that was strapped to his back. "I wanted to teach you how to play a certain song. Would you like that?" He nodded, smiling a little. His eyes changed to light brown, gray, red, and gold. I smiled at his eagerness. "Okay, I'll play it first, then I'll show you, okay?" He nodded again.

I started playing, not wanting to see his reaction. When I was finished, he hugged me tightly. "You're going to teach me to play that?" He whispered. I nodded. 

"If you would like to." 

"Yes, definitely! Thank you, thank you, thank you." He squeezed me one last time before settling back on the bed. 

"I have my notes I took and I'll teach you the chords. You can practice it whenever you would like and show me the finished product." He nodded, smiling. His eyes were now gold, red, and I swore a saw a speck of pink, which I'd never seen before. We spent the next two hours teaching and learning the chords before we took a break. He was a really fast learner, which I was pleasantly surprised by. 

"A few days ago you asked about my eyes." He said. They turned light blue and gold. 

"Uh huh." I said. He seemed a little nervous. 

"I wanted to tell you some of the colors. It's the least I could do for you. I mean the guitar must have cost a fortune, this isn't really a popular song, so you probably learned this for me, and you're showing me how to play it myself...you deserve something..." 

"You don't need to if you don't want to...it's your birthday, I wanted to give you something you'd like and I remembered you mentioning this song." 

"I want to. I know all the colors I've experienced so far. There's dark brown which is neutral. It only comes up, like, once a month at most since it's not really normal to not feel emotions a lot, light brown is happiness, black is anger, dark blue is sadness, green is annoyed, light blue is worried, dark green is jealous, platonic love is purple, gray is surprised, affection is gold, excited is red, embarrassed is teal, and orange is confused." He told me. I'm ashamed to admit I pulled out my phone and started typing them so I remembered. "You're the first person I told all of these to, so don't tell anyone."

"I won't, promise." I worked up the courage. "C-can I have your number? So I can talk to you?" I could have sworn he blushed and his eyes turned gray- surprised- light brown- happy- and gold- affection. I remembered all the times I had seen him with gold eyes. He likes me. Even if it's just platonically, it's still something. 

"Yeah, sure." I handed my phone to him to put it. He did and set my contact as 'Nico'. Yeah, I would be changing that. I sent him a text to confirm the number. 

Unknown Number: Hey, It's me

"It worked." He said. He set my name as 'Will'. 

"C'mon, that's boring!" I complained light-heartedly. "Name me something different!" He rolled his eyes at me but changed the name. 

Sunshine: Hey, it's me

I blushed and ducked my head so he wouldn't see it. "Thank you." I said, jokingly. I changed his name to 'Death Boy'. He scoffed. 


"Yep! You're now Death Boy." Someone knocked on the door. 

"Will? Are you in here?" It was Reyna. She must have finally noticed I was gone. I  couldn't blame her for not noticing. I had only been in the group for a week and it was a big group. 

"He's fine, Reyna, he can stay." Nico told her, opening the door. Reyna whispered something to him and he nodded. "I don't mind him being here." He said quietly. 

"Okay, well, they started to notice that you were missing and want you to open presents. Is that okay? You can come straight back here after cake." He paused, probably thinking. He looked at me, eyes dark blue- sadness-, green- annoyed-, and gold- affection. 

"Okay, fine." He said finally. "Just for a little while." 

The colors of my Love- SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now