𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗; 𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚗

Start from the beginning

"It'd be weird if you were." Rosalice hops on the counter besides where he stood, preparing to make breakfast. "Though Jacob didn't have a hard time getting around that." She hums out, jokingly. Elijah gives her a look, raising an eyebrow. She pushes his arm, playfully, "I'm joking he didn't do anything when she wasn't mature."

"That's worse, love." Elijah states.

"I meant in emotional and mental aspects." Rosalice grabs a handful of chocolate chips. "The whole imprinting thing is that they're your best friend, protector and could as well be your lover." She begins to explain, defending the wolves. "It doesn't have to end in falling in love, it entirely depends on the imprintee. If the imprintee only sees them as a best friend, the imprint agrees and only keeps their relationship as best friends who protects. A protector if their said imprint is too young to make their own decisions. It only becomes lovers if the imprintee is around the mature age where they can make mature logical decisions and when the imprintee allows the imprinter to expand their relationship." She shoves the handful of chocolate chips into her mouth.

Elijah hums, taking in the knowledge. "I wonder who created shapeshifters."

"Taha Aki." Rosalice shows off her own knowledge. "Siring many children to possess the same gifts, didn't realize that those same gifts could be passed down from child to child."

"Reneesme is with child, is she not?" Elijah smacks Rosalice's hand when she tries reaching for the chocolate chips once again.

Rosalice slightly pouts, before resting her face. "Yeah."

"Will her child become a hybrid like her? Half human, half cold one, half shapeshifter."

"Half shapeshifter and half cold one." Rosalice corrects, Elijah gives her a questioning stare. "Shapeshifters are still human, before they can shift they're human." Rosalice grabs a hold of an egg tossing it into the air and catching it, growing bored. "They experience human child-like things, experience hormones like a normal teenager until they reach the age of 15, that's where they begin to shift. Unlike Seth who shifted when he was 14, but there's Brady Fuller and Colin Littlesea who are the youngest in the pack who shifted around the same age as Seth." Elijah raises his hand, grabbing the repeatedly thrown egg and bringing it to his side. "So they'll be a hybrid instead of a... tri-brid?"

"Tribrid?" Elijah repeats.

"Well... Sarah or Billy-"

"Sarah or Billy?"

"Sarah if it's a girl; Billy if it's a boy." Rosalice answers, then continues what she was going to say. "If they were half human, half cold one, and half shapeshifter it would make them three different species. So tribrid."

Elijah hums, cracking an egg and pouring the contents into the skillet.

A crash and cries fills the air, Rosalice pushes herself off of the counter and rushes to the living room, Elijah only taking mere seconds to get there. The mated couple eyes' land on the broken dish laying on the ground shattered to large pieces. A small cut on Hope's head, Cami trying to calm her. "Oh!" She noticed the two. "She yanked the tablecloth and that knick-knack fell on her," She informs them.

Elijah stares at the wound, his eyes becoming distant as her cries become louder. "It's just a scratch." Cami assures. The original doesn't say anything, do anything he stands there like a statue.

Rosalice places a hand on his arm, Elijah, She calls out in his mind.

Blinking back to reality, he lets out a breath. "Forgive me."

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