I Think I Lost Something

Comenzar desde el principio

You sit the-now-clean Sun on the edge of the bed and put the extra towel over their head, preventing water from dripping on their face.

"I'll go kill the candles, give me a second—" You start but Sun cuts you off.

"Kill 'em?" He said, looking an odd mix of petrified and confused, eyes trailing to the door as if he can peek into the bathroom and look directly at the candles still lit. "Why would you kill the candles?"

You pause, searching his face if this was another pun, but the confusion was clear as day. Had they not understood? Perhaps they take words for their literally meaning. You would have to see for that later. "I meant blowing them off, Sunny." You explain, "They're a safety hazard if they were left like that," you give a smile, tilting your head. "We can use the candles again if you really like them?"

This seems to do the trick and he brightens, if just slightly. Sun nods, wet locks of hair smacking him on the face.

"Alright. Here, I've found you some clothes until I get better ones. Wear the shorts only for now, I have to do something before you wear the sweater, okay? I'll be back in a bit." Sun looks at the folded clothes before giving you a hesitant nod. You take this as your leave, closing your bedroom door behind you.

To the bathroom you went, turn on the lights, and blew off the candles. You tidied up a little and threw the hospital gown in the laundry (you aren't sure if the hospital would ask for it back). With those out of the way, you make it downstairs to get the medications Freddy had written for them.

It was noon by now, around three o'clock, so they should take the medicine and apply the creams, you think, that way the next time they have to take it, it would be after dinner.

Snatching the bag, and counting that you have all medical boxes inside—two creams (one for the burns and one for the bruises) and two oral pill boxes (antibiotics and slow-k), four in total.

You walk back upstairs and knock on the door. A muffled and low "Come in," is heard and you open the door.

Sun still sat where you left him, towel around his shoulders to help from the cold, and black shorts peeking out from under the gray towel. At least, it seems to fit.

You sit next to them on the bed and put all the medications on the sheets. "Those," You show them off. "Are what the doctor had instructed. Two ointments which you'll have to use, the blue one two times a day and the other once a day, and two pills you'll have to take twice a day too." Sun doesn't seem like he enjoys the concept of it, but slowly nods regardless. "I'll help you remember them." Getting the blue and white cream first, you start to open it. "This is for the bruises, it helps soothe it so it wouldn't hurt. It's mostly for your back, since the bruises there are bigger."

Sun seems to take the hint and hesitatingly sheds away the towel to show their back to you. Now clean from mud and blood, you could see how vibrant yet bruised their body was. The daffodil-yellow and cream colors more clear, making the brownish freckles more pronounced. Though, with that came how mad the bruises were—it seemed some were already healing, but another one was new and would take longer. The bruises and scratches on their arms and legs were smaller compared to the foot-sized ones on the back, so they don't need as much attention.

How the hell did they—

Actually—you don't think you want to know how they got them.

Or maybe you do, if just to spark the anger in you even more. That man isn't going to hide from you.

Since most of the bruises were on the back, you would think they could use some help. God knows how annoying it was to try and use the ointment on your own back this morning...

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora