Departure (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Finally. Finally that 'thing' is gone.

As I had nothing to do in this party I sat alone in a corner and ate a macaron and then I suddenly felt like puking.

Those macrons were ridiculously sweet.

.... It was from Dupain-cheng's family's bakery... What was its name again...?


But they say that they are the best sweets makers in the Paris...

Bullshit. I am not going to eat these ever again.

But others are eating it just fine...

Well I am not a sweet tooth to begin with.

Oh well.

Now what should I eat then?

Thankfully, cookies and some other stuff along with cold drinks were there as well so I was saved.

Soon after I heard daddy's voice in the mic.
" Everyone, thanks for attending. I, as the Mayor of this city, now announce you the top 30 designers! "

And then all the top 30 designers walked in a line towards him with their designs covered with a gray cloth.

... So, Dupain-cheng was at 28th position.

After that one by one everyone uncover their designes from 30th position to all the way 1st position.

.... That is Dupain-cheng's black jacket....

Isn't that way too ordinary..?

That thing have just some chains in some random places... A kind of design that one can find in my local shops from my previous life pretty easily.

Tell me, exactly what is so great about that for it to be in the top 28th position!?

And then my eyes go on the 1st place candidate's design.

.... Yeah, I take my words back. Every single one here is has a rather ordinary design....

The design of the '1st placer' was a plain white jumpsuit which have a cardigon like top.

In other words it was exactly like what mom was wearing but with sleeves and is plain white.

Like yeah I like the design but are those the top best in the whole France!?

Are you kidding me!

...This whole contest is a piece of crap for real.... 

* sigh *

I am so done with this world logic.

When I was sighing on my own suddenly my eyes contacted Adrian's but he quickly looked the other way.

For some reason I felt a sharp pain in my chest for a second.

That's right even though it was scripted that Chloe likes Adrian but for 'this' Chloe it was real...

It seems that returning of my memories can't change my feelings that easily.

Though I did my best on not minding any of that.

My dad continue his speech,
" Now this party is for our victorious winner. I am honoured to be witnessing such a glorious day as the Mayor. "

Everybody claped.

" So honouring all of our contestants should we begin the dance? "

As he said that the music started and everybody take their partner and started dancing.

Mom danced with dad.

Random man danced with random women.

My classmates danced with their pre-made pairs and-

Wait, how did my 𝙬𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚 class come here?

Shouldn't this be a contestant centered with only rich people party or something?

How did they came here?

.... Let's not bother for now. I already have a lot in my cup...

Adrian was dancing with Laila. Yeah great. A blind man with a fake fox. What a pair.

Dupain-cheng's standing looking pathetically jealous... You deserve it... Even though I respect you as Ladybug you still deserve it for being blind.

After sometimes my mom approached me.

She stands at my sidelines.

" All you are doing is to watch this glamorous party. As my daughter shouldn't you be enjoying yourself? "

" ... Mom, are you drunk cuz you never approach me to talk in these parties. "

" I am just here to say that don't tarnish my name, um. "

" Chloe. "

" Whatever. Just don't tarnish my name by standing alone here and continue to leaning on this utterly disgusting wall. Go talk to someone and grow your communication and influence. "

" ... Right mom. "

Again, I have no intention of getting in a fight. Not now.

I went and talked to some people like some prince of some random countries and some rich people's children.

If it was my old self I would have enjoyed looking down on poor people but as in my previous life I grow in a middle class family myself so it's rather disgusting but I can't do anything now.

Control... Control yourself... I just have to get through this party.

...I need to talk to Daddy soon.

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