Part 13

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A couple of hours later

Jack's POV

Yesterday was an interesting day and I can honestly say that I am very positively surprised after meeting Eris.

She was very nice to us and helped us even though she didn't have to

'' So what do you think of Eris '' asked Raf while we were waiting for Bee and Minister Shadow 

'' In my opinion she is nice. She did not lose patience with us with questions but you can see she has been through a lot '' I said 

'' She is amazing and strong. She also looks very responsible and smart. Not forgetting that she is beautiful. Maybe she will help Optimus open up more, she knows the suffering of war. She herself told us that talking to someone else helped her. Eris can help Optimus because she will know most how he feels. I also can't wait to show the rest of her training '' said Miko. 

I nodded my head in agreement '' You're right Miko but they both have to agree to it '' I said

'' Do you think Eros will agree to teach us self-defense that way the rest of them won't be so worried about us '' said Raf 

" We have to ask her " I said and a yellow and black car stopped in front of us

" Hey kids " said the Minister

" Hey Arthur " we said getting into the car. The Minister told us to call him by his name but it was hard for us to get used to it. 

When we buckled our seatbelts he started off " How was your stay with Eris? What do you think of her? " he asked

" Eris is a very nice person. Eris is a very laid back person but she knows when she needs to be serious. She seems like a very strong person " I said 

" We saw her training with sword in the morning " said Miko

" Really? " said Arthur

" She was training at level 9 when we found her. This level looked very difficult I noticed on the panel that there are 15 levels of droning " said Raf 

" This field was specially prepared for her to train duel, sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat and archery. The difficulty levels are from 1 to 15 and she can set how long the session lasts " said Arthur with a small smile when he suddenly became serious. 

This caught my attention " Is everything okay? " I asked

" Tell me if a similar car followed you yesterday " he said and I only then noticed the car behind us.

I focused on it " I think so " I said with Miko

" I am 80% sure that it is a similar car to yesterday " added Raf. 

I could see that he was nervous " It should be Eris picking you up and not us. It looks like MECH was still watching the school. Contact Optimus and Agent Fowler and tell them what's going on " he said 

" Jack call Eris from my phone and inform her that we may need help " he added and we did as he said.

After a few beeps Eris answered " Eris this is Jack " I said

" How can I help you? " she said

" We are being followed by a car recalling from yesterday " I said I heard her curse quietly 

" Are you still in the city or have you left  it? " she asked

" We are about 3 to leave the city from North side Eris. We are heading to the northern part of the city " said Arthur 

" It's about 10 maybe 15 minutes from my house. I am taking Storm and we will try to catch up with you. Drive all the way and don't stop at all costs. Try to lose them meanwhile " said Eris 

" We will try " I replied

" We will stay with you on the connection " I added

" Optimus and Agent Fowler know about our situation. I also told them that Eris is coming to us " I heard Raf say. 

For the next few minutes I saw that Arthur trying to lose them but to no avail. I noticed another black car

" Bumblebee is yellow and black? " asked Eris

" Yes " I replied

" It's me I'm in that other black car " said Eris and we could breathe a little sigh of relief. 

She saw that it was catching up with us and driving next to us

'' Did they send someone? '' she asked

'' Not yet '' said Optimus

'' I have plan and your appearance could interfere with that '' she said 

'' We have to go a bit out of town first in which case Bumblebee will leave with you as soon as he can in the meantime I and Storm will take care of them. When we are out of town I will be able to use my power without fear of accidentally hitting one of you. This will allow you to open the portal without fear of being followed by them '' she said 

''What about you? '' said Raf

'' I'll be fine. They have no magic and I can easily block their attacks. Arthur can confirm that I have dealt with more dangerous people without anyone's help. If it reassures you I will stay with you all the time on the connection '' said Eris

'' I think this is the best idea. We don't know how many of them are really here if they see you they can call for backup. Eris and Storm can handle them without a problem. Eris magic will also protect them and won't let anything bad happen to them. You have to trust her '' said Arthur 

'' We'll do as Eris proposes but me and Optimus will wait by the portal if something goes wrong and she needs help '' said Megatron after a moment of silence. 

I saw us drive out of town '' When I give you the signal drive as fast as you can '' she said after a moment and I saw that she urged us to go faster

'' Now '' she said and braked hard making 180 degrees and headed towards another black car. 

Bee started to go faster and faster when suddenly we heard a loud bang and I looked in the mirror and saw a huge wolf standing behind us and a lot of colored lights

'' That's the Strorm '' said Arthur focusing on the road

'' You were right Arthur there are more cars '' said Eris

'' But it's nothing for us '' she added and I heard a lot of shouting 

'' Protengo! '' she shouted

'' Arthur three people on motorcycles are chasing you. Storm be careful behind you! '' she said and not far in front of us appeared a green light from which emerged two large figures 

'' Optimus Megatron '' said Miko suddenly a bright light appeared and the ground shook a little and Bee stopped near Optimus. Arthur got out of the car 

'' Eris Eris! Is everything okay? '' he asked over the phone

'' We're okay '' she said after a moment of silence

'' I have some people you can question and they are unconscious right now. I suspect they will be unconscious by tomorrow '' she added after a moment 

'' Do you need help? '' I asked

'' Not all is well '' she replied

'' I have to go home Teddy is awake and wants me. See you tomorrow '' she said and hung up 

'' Optimus Megatron you can take these people '' said Arthur

'' No problem '' said Megatron and they went to where Eris left these people. 

It's really been a crazy day and it's not over yet

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