Part 33

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A few years later

Eris's POV

I was sitting in a chair writing the last page of my new book, I decided to describe my life and my adventures from when I started at Hogwarts to learning about bots. 

The books about my first and second year were in truth a success and I have many waiting for my third year. 

Truthfully I changed some names and didn't write or change the bloody and horrible situations that took place so that all ages could read it with peace of mind. 

I looked at my hand and sighed merrily it has been four years since our wedding took place and it was one of the most beautiful days of my life. 

Everything was planned perfectly and the one thing I missed was Mom, Dad, Paddy and Moon but I know they didn't want me to be sad that day. Both Dad and Paddy would walk down the aisle because I couldn't choose between them. 

I know that Dad and Paddy would pretend to be strong but they would start crying not long after they gave me to Optimus and Mom and Moony would try to calm them down. 

I could feel their presence as I walked alone and I knew they were all proud of how far I had come looking back at my past. 

I invited some of my teachers from school like Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Poppy Pomfrey and Pomona Sprout they always tried to help me when I was in trouble. I saw Minne trying to stop her tears but a few managed to escape. 

She told me that my parents would be proud of me for how far I've come and the kind of woman I've grown into. We had a problem with Molly, Ginevra, Ronald and Hermione trying to get into the ceremony but the team Arthur had hired wouldn't let them in. 

They were stopped and arrested when they tried to steal in a third time. They got two warnings and so continued to try to spoil my one of the most important days of my life. 

 Molly had this idea that I would choose her sweet Ronny over my handsome, hot, responsible, honest, smart, fair, loyal, honest, honest, serious Optimus. 

I felt like going there and laughing in her face but I didn't want to make a scene because I knew it was what they wanted. 

Their action at my wedding was enough for me to file a magical restraining order against me and my family. 

They couldn't be within 400 meters of me and were forbidden to contact me by letters, phone calls, message and whatever ways they could come up with. 

Each of their attempts would lead to paying a fine which would double each time, and I can tell you that in the course of those four years they tried six or eight times. 

The cost of the first fine was, as I recall, 2,000 galleons, so they lost more than half a million galleons, I suspect they were doing community service because I know they could never get that kind of money in such a short period of time. 

They made a lot of trouble so they couldn't find a good job in the wizarding world and one galleon is five dollars but I know Granger doesn't have that kind of money even though her parents are dentists. 

When she decided to clear her existence from her memory parents completely removed them than she temporarily blocked them. 

If she had blocked them and not removed them she would still have her parents but that won't change anything, she tried to blame me for it but it was her will, magic and wand.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a pair of muscular hands '' Is everything okay Sweet Spark? You've been staring out the window for 30 minutes now '' he said and kissed my neck 

'' How's your book going? '' he asked

 '' I'm almost done with part 3 I'm only missing a few more pages '' I said 

'' I've been thinking about what happened for the last four years '' I added 

'' Do you have regrets and doubts? '' he asked kissing my hand with the ring 

'' Never Optimus, meeting you was one of the best days of my life '' I said and kissed him. Quickly the kiss became passionate, fast and strong 

'' I love myself Eris Prim '' he said

'' I love you too Optimus Prim '' I replied and before I could kiss him again 

'' MAMA! PAPA! '' we heard our two-year-old daughter scream

I laughed a little '' Let's go handsome Arabella is calling us '' I said and headed towards the living room. 

When I entered the living room I saw that she was sitting with Teddy, Leo i Storm with our favorite treats and drinks

 '' Movie marathon? '' she asked cutely with puppy eyes

 '' Movie marathon '' I said together with Optimus and sat down next to them. Teddy and Ara cuddled up with us and I turned on our first movie which was Moana

 '' This is my family and I wouldn't change them for anything. May Lady Magic have them in her care and protection because if something happens to them I am not responsible for the bloodbath that will ensue if someone hurts them. I swear on my life and magic that I will protect my magic until my last breath '' I thought and I cuddled up my little family

'' Is everything okay? '' he asked quietly trying not to distract the kids 

'' I love you guys '' I replied quietly also 

'' We love you too mom '' said the kids together 

'' We love you Eris '' said Leo with Storm 

'' I love you sweet spark '' said Oppy and kissed me on the forehead

 '' Now the movie '' said Ara and we laughed a little 

'' Of course Boss girl '' I replied and we went back to watching the movie. 

'' This is my Happy Ending and I wouldn't change it for anything '' I thought before focusing on the movie. 

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