Part 9

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Some time later

Eris's POV

It took us about 15 to 20 minutes to find the store but the time will pass quickly listening to our favorite songs. I found a parking spot not far from the entrance '' Oki we are there '' I said and got out of the car. 

I pulled Teddy out and Leo and Storm jumped out of the car. I grabbed the shopping cart and put Teddy in that seat '' Sorry dogs have to stay outside '' I heard an employee say. I was prepared for this and pulled out a special card allowing me to go everywhere with Leo and Storm if they are on a leash. 

The employee looked at the card and nodded ''Have a nice shopping experience,'' he said ''Thank you'' I replied and got on with what I needed. I went first to the fruit and vegetable area. Looking at the list I took what we needed and then went to the dry goods aisle followed by drinks, condiments and sauces. 

I chose the right snacks for me, Teddy, Leo and Storm and finally went to the meat and frozen food section. I checked everything off my list and saw that we were missing one item we quickly went for it and headed for the checkout. 

I smiled at the cashier who reciprocated my smile '' Tourism? '' I said '' Yes '' I replied I could see her surprise at the size of my purchases '' The total will be two hundred and fifty-six dollars and 49 cents. Will you be paying by card or cash '' she said '' By card '' I replied taking it out of my wallet. 

I put the packed groceries in the shopping cart '' Have a nice day she said '' You too,'' I replied and headed to my car. I packed the groceries in the trunk first and then took the stroller back to where it was. 

I pulled Teddy out of the seat and pushed the stroller into its place. Leo and Storm were waiting for us in the car when I clipped Teddy into his seat I started the car the radio started playing one of our favorite songs 

'' Mama sings '' said Teddy and I laughed '' Oki Oki Oki '' I said and started singing along with the recording

She, queen of the kings, runnin' so fast, beatin' the wind
Nothin' in this world can stop the spread of her wings
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys
She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas

Got raven hair, it's dark as night
Icy eyes, outta sight, outta sight
Her heart, in spite, is warm and bright
Her smile awakes the Northern Light

Lookin' out, she calls
"Lai, la-da-di-dai-da
Who will conquer all, all?"
Her name is

She, queen of the kings, runnin' so fast, beatin' the wind
Nothin' in this world can stop the spread of her wings (hey)
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys
She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas

A firestone forged in flames
The wildest card, run the game, run the game
Can't stay the same in this world of change
Don't fear the pain, just break the chain

Lookin' out, she calls
"Lai, la-da-di-dai-da
Who will conquer all, all?"
Her name is

She, queen of the kings, runnin' so fast, beatin' the wind (hey)
Nothin' in this world can stop the spread of her wings
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys 


She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas

Her name is

She, queen of the kings, runnin' so fast, beatin' the wind (hey)
Nothin' in this world can stop the spread of her wings
She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys 


She will be the warrior of North and Southern Seas (hey)

When I finished singing Teddy laughed '' Mama pretty '' he said ''Thank you little wolf '' I replied and we continued our way back home.

Some time leter

I put Teddy down for a nap after lunch and knew I had an hour and a half to two hours of free time. I looked at the time and it was only 2:30 p.m. So I decided to go for a walk and a walk " Storm Leo I'm going to go for a walk and a walk around town. Do you want to walk with me or stay with Teddy,Winky and Dobby at home " I said 

" We will stay with them Eris " said Leo " Be careful Eris and try not to draw attention to yourself " added Storm " I will try to get back before Teddy wakes up. I'll try to be careful " I said and left the house. 

I had been going for a few minutes when I got the feeling that I should be somewhere. I decided to head e that way when I felt I was close I parked the car and started walking. 

I ended up in an area not far from the school and saw 4 grown men talking to three children. It looked like they were trying to persuade them to do something. I looked at the children and noticed that they were the children Arthur had told me about. 

He sent me a picture of them along with pictures of autobots and decepticons. I could feel that something was wrong I decided to approach them " We don't need to get ride from you " said Jack I think " And who is supposed to defect to pick up the kids " said one of the men 

" It's none of your business " said a girl whose name surely is Miko. I was surprised that no one else was paying attention " It's important little girl. Who is picking you up " said another man I could see that they were losing their cool. 

I had a very bad feeling about these mens. I decided to interject " I pick them up " I said " Who are you? " said the man " My name is Eris I am the niece of Arthur. He friend of his Jack mom. He asked me to pick them up from school " I said seriously. 

I saw relief and recognition run through the kids eyes. I focused my attention on the men " Excuse us now but we have to go. She promised Arthur and Jack's mom that she would make sure they ate good and did their lessons " I said and started leading them to my car. 

Jack sat in the front and Miko sat in the back with Raf when they fastened their pads we headed off. 

After a moment of silence Jack broke the silence " Are you really Eris? " he asked " One and only if you don't believe me the wallet lies in the glove box. You can also contact Minister Shadow. I suspect he is with others tells about my world " I said and Jack took out my wallet and checked the ID.

Suddenly I noticed out of the window how a black car was following us " He speaks the truth " said Jack and I saw that och was more reassured " What are you doing here so early. I thought the meeting was after tomorrow " said Raf quietly 

" I wanted to get acquainted with the city. It's new territory and I wanted to familiarize myself with it " I replied still focused on the car. This caught their attention " Is everything okay? " asked Jack 

" We have a tail " I said " Contact Agent Fowler about it I think it's MECH. If you can't handle yours use my phone to contact Arthur. He knows that if I call it's something urgent " I said seriously. 

Miko  pulled out her phone and after a moment I saw her face cringe " Use my phone " I said trying to lose the black car. Jack grabbed my phone and after a moment we could hear a male voice " How can I help you Eris " he said seriously.

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