Chapter 14: Freedom Tax?

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an enemy contact...

Submarines huh? As obvious as it is, there is no turning back on the upcoming war. Sakura Empire have been harassing Eagle Union's and Royal Navy's destroyers both in pacific and asian waters.

They are currently in war with dragon empery, it is safe to say that Sakura is currently blockading dragon empery and doesn't want an outside force to support dragon empery. These Chinese are having a hard time, both in this world and in the real timeline.

"Well well Ms. Prussia... What do you have in here?" Hornet called to me with a teasing smile, then added "mind if I sit?"

"yeah of course." I replied as I then took a sip of coffee and ate a chocolate... It was so sweet~.. A truly deadly combination.

As Hornet plopped down on the chair next to me, she grinned mischievously, "Got any of those delicious chocolates left?"

I chuckled, pushing the box of chocolates her way, "Help yourself, Hornet. They won't eat themselves, you know."

"where did you get these chocolates though?" Hornet questioned as she grabbed one

"I got them from green haired kid. Akashi?.... Yeah that was her name." I answered

"oh that scamming cat..." she sighed in annoyance, then added "she sells expensive things even though it is not special!"

"hm? She sells accessories, food, and other stuffs with small prices to me. I never saw her selling overpriced stuff..."  I said

"THAT IS FAVORITISM" she declared, her frustration is evident in her face. I don't know..... I haven't saw that kid selling things to me in high prices

"Maybe it's a business tactics.. We kind of get along well. Though she is nervous a bit. Yeah we good..." I said

"That is undoubtedly favoritism.." Hornet marked...

"Who knows..."


Several Hours Ago

I noticed a shop just across the street where accessories, foods, tech boxes, and other stuffs are sold. So I went there to buy if there were any chocolates available.

It was Akashi, I think that's her name I heard is the one who sells thins. I met her days ago and talked to her, this is quite surprising..

"Ms. Prussia, care for beverage? Freshly squeezed from another ship n~!"

 Prussia, care for beverage? Freshly squeezed from another ship n~!"

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"I just want some oil-.. I mean chocolates..." I sighed

"that would be uhm-.... two gems for one nya..." She said with a sweat on her forehead... Maybe it's hot?

And Two gems? I have been told that that this kitty kat were selling expensive stuffs. Now this raises my eyebrows. Did the higher-ups grant me a privilege to buy things with low price....

"22 of them please..." I said, yes I love chocolates. Don't ask me why I love it... I just love it..

What if I build a business here? Like foods or restaurant or something? That could earn me a profit but at the same time, it should be well liked by the ship girls... I don't know what-.... I still have to understand this world..

"uhm.. Can I ask you on about something, akashi?"

"what is it nya~?" said as she packed the chocolates in one box.

"does this base impose taxes?" I questioned..

"well.... Nya...... uhhhh... We don't pay taxes nya" akashi answered...

Well then that's great.... USA is pain in the ass when it comes to taxing.. I am glad that it's free tax here.

"here are your chocolates nya~..thank you for buying nya~.." said as she gave me the box...



"WHAT DID AKASHI MEAN THAT THERE IS NO TAX? " Hornet shouted at me, slamming her hands on the table.. Poor table-San..

"oh there is?" I tilted my head, then I added "she literally said that they don't pay taxes...."

"yeah that's a fact!" Hornet said



"she doesn't pay taxes?" I questioned as I finally understood what akashi meant...

"yeah!" Hornet Answered

"her things are expensive...?"



".... Oh.... She was serious about that she don't pay taxes.."

But Prussia wondered where the money is going to anyways. Does trading even exists in this world or? Azur Lane is an alliance and that means resources are shared to those who belonged to the faction.

Is even taxing sensible in this world? What are they gonna buy with the faction's treasury? Water? Despite all of this, sure she or handel doesn't have brain in the economics but she is interested on how economy works in this world...

She even doubt that bank exists in this world..

"man that's wild...." she paused as she took a sigh, then added ".. Just impose price controls on akashi.. To make it everything free... Just kidding.. Just make it to sensible price or otherwise you guys have to coerce her... If she's registered in this base, then she must abide to the rules."

"you..... You are a genius..."

These Free Market and the Capitalist tendencies of Akashi which Prussia assumed is a problem here. Liberalistic Economy doesn't work when a person doesn't pay up.. needs to be intervened.. But despite of all this thought of hers, she is still shoveling the sand, trying to understand how economy works here..

She liked capitalism- when these private owners pays taxes accordingly, treat their workers fairly, and not degrading the environment.

"No I am not.." Prussia said

"wait... Im gonna go to the headquarters and tell big sis about this... See ya!" said Hornet as she waved her hands before disappearing


"my goodness..." Prussia sighed... "I want to have some fun... Maybe destroying sirens?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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