Chapter 12: Eagle, Star, And Stripes...

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"United States of America? What's that?" Enterprise tilted her head...

Prussia sighed in disappointment that there was no data on Eagle Union's history. Someone should reconstruct the puzzles of the history of the Eagle Union, as obvious as it is, the former United States of America. 

Prussia thought the United States of America has a great history, only to be downed by the words of Enterprise because it is now unknown. She visited the Royal Library in England. At the least, some of Prussia's(The State) records are still there, as well as the state called the USA, but had yet to know that the Eagle Union is the United States of America and still to by its core...

"Hm?... I think that's the former name of our faction...." Cleveland thought...

Prussia again-.. sighed but this time in relief.  At least someone knows.

"The Black Tide really-... Changed the world huh?.." Prussia muttered...

The following borders of countries changed after constant Siren Attacks. But Prussia couldn't understand why South America became a part of the Eagle Union. The culture of North America is vastly different than that of Latin America. Well, it's useless now-. Latin America separatism is now practically useless, as the Latin Americans are now practically nonexistent.... Or Maybe Eagle Union integrated Latin America for control against the Siren... 

"There's a lot of explanation to EXPLAIN why Eagle Union exists and other factions."

"But-... Before we dive into that. Let's talk about the Sakura Empire." Prussia added and narrowed her eyes.

"I agree. Sakura's movements are pretty suspicious lately. It's only a little time before they assault our holdings in Asia...." Yorktown said as she poured a coffee into her cup...

"-But... I think our power in the Pacific is problematic for them. So before they'll assault to the south of them... I think-..." 

"Bingo........ Yorktown" Said Prussia celebrating monotony as she threw a dart on the map...

Everyone could see, that the dart landed on Pearl Harbor. Some of them are surprised by Prussia's precision, that she can hit that from far away. But they know what it means, an important event, the dart had landed on Pearl Harbor, on their base-. 

Prussia threw another dart. This time, it landed on Midway.

"Midway.....?" Enterprise muttered.



Prussia... Waters the Northeast of Pearl Harbor

"War Doesn't change...." I heard Enterprise mutter while looking at the horizons. 

I guess Enterprise's ideology formed upon her experiences of the war against the Sirens. What doesn't change in the war is the suffering. 

Even the strongest of men, when hearing the whistle of death coming to them will widen their eyes. When hearing the explosions rocking, bursts their hearts. Because the people know, if you that kind of death touches you, you will heed his command, and it's absolute.

In a war, a strong survives but loses himself, weak man dies but leaves a legacy.

The Legacy that is not forgotten... But never valued...

"Yet Necessary," I said to Enterprise as I walked to her...

"This war has a purpose Enterprise. To drive out the stain of this world. A Sacred War that is... A Crusade against the black tide."

"Humanity is resilient, but also the thing that makes humanity stubborn. Refuses to surrender even though the remaining are scattered. It will not stop until its desire is reached. Because what it eyed is not itself, it is the future...." I added

Stubbornness can be a great or bad attribute of humanity. Humans are stubborn creatures until they reach their desires. Even the legless person could stand up by himself, because he is determined to the core of his heart, refusing what fate had given to him.

It's also bad because it can prolong suffering. Stubbornness is naivety, it refuses to accept and it hinders development. 

Development is important every day, so it changes ideology daily. However, refusing to reflect on what view your eyes have taken. It will always stay the same... And so, your heart still chooses the naïve future...

"Who knows what might happen in the future? Maybe a peace between Humanity and Sirens? Or still a holy war between the two...."

"But you have to remember Enterprise.... that which side is more stubborn..."



"A Submarine? Must be a Japanese..."

I said as contact is made just near 9 o'clock. I am ready to fire my Anti-Submarine Missiles, but I am afraid that my weapons will be revealed to the hands of the enemy's intelligence. 

I also recently saw a spotting plane a while ago with my eyes. The same thing happened one day ago and three days ago while on our route to Pearl Harbor. The Sakuranians or Japanese to be exact, I think began stalking us.

It has a great chance that they are conducting information gathering exclusively from me, as they have no information about me. It's because I just appeared out of nowhere, and I am telling nobody yet that I am from a different world.

It's also obvious to say that not only the Japanese are suspicious about my existence, but Iron Blood and Royal Navy as well. The Whole Azur Lane will follow suit, finding data about my information.

As for Iron Blood, they have the most suspicion about me. Assuming that, THAT submarine has a recording about me. I think they already saw the name in my funnel. My name, written in German. Well I think they are still thinking about the decision I gave to them.

Overall, the whole world will narrow its eyes to me out of suspicion. It's only a little time before I have to tell them that...

I am from a different world...

I sighed. This is too troublesome for me.

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