Chapter 6: Behind the Curtains

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"What do you mean by that?" Illustrious asked...

"It is simple at it is to understand...." Prussia started to became serious, and released an overwhelming atmosphere that will make you kneel...

"Ocean is a chess board, and there are three factions... The two factions will fight to death while the other one, the Sirens will just sit and watch those two factions, that is the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis. When the war is about to draw a conclusion, of course there will be a chess piece remaining, whether in Azur Lane side, and Crimson Axis side.. Siren will swiftly take their offensive.

And this will be the moment that those two factions, will have to work together to oppose the stronger force... But the only piece remaining on the board is few, compare to Sirens... Hopelessly, Siren will cut the remaining pieces to those oppose them.. And eventually, winning the whole board and that means... The world is now in Siren's hands... We don't want that no?" 

She said....The ships started to finally getting it. Looking around, and one of them is sweating. The pressure around the room is intense and heavy. 

"Remember.. In Every theater play..... 

There is a director behind the curtains...

Those words, will be forever engraved to their minds... No dared to speak against her, even the crown... Beauty can also become twisted.. The greater the beauty, the greater it's opposite.... With combining both amount of power... The power can project it's authority anytime it wants. Combining both can silence the mouth of many. Ignorance will be overshadowed, with the truth, holding much more authority than the Ignorance... And with it, the people will start to open their eyes...

The Royal Navy regretted it now... They are a formidable superpower but no match to Sirens... But they have no choice but to take action against Ironblood to protect theirs, with it the battle is inevitable...

Peace will be difficult this time if Ironblood doesn't listen to them... No-... The Crimson Axis as a whole... If no peace is made, then-... As Prussia said.. Sirens, will blacken the world with their color...

"Not too Late for Peace, And not too late for Unity.... Royal Navy is the strongest Navy in the world true?... Then it is the destiny of the strongest and should your swords gather the humanity... Against... One... Single... Menace... The Invaders...."

Many of them nodded at each other... As they found their new purpose...

"Hm.... I believe I already answered the question for all of you..."



"Oh hood?.. What brings you here?" Prussia raised her eyebrows while sitting on grass, overlooking the port...

"Just wanting a sit with you... Now if I may..." Hood then sat down..

Together, they are enjoying the scenery in front of them. A night, with full of stars... With the sea, reflecting the light of the moon, and the gentle smell of the sea, and a breeze of air do shaken hairs... One word surrounds them, that is... Peace..

"Say..... Do you like war Lady Prussia" Hood finally decided to speak...

"War, huh...... I don't like it...." Prussia replied...

"I don't like it... Countless lives is lost for that future. Countless lives is lost and is the answer for the question... And those countless lives has a name, and a unique story... War is a flame, simple yet destructive... Once simple fire could burn the book.. Once you are put in war. The war will slowly... Slowly, destroy you, as the flame destroys the book... Until your story is gone in ashes.... Well.. Even if you managed to be alive... The missing will not be repaired..."


"War is inevitable Hood.... If two people exists at the same and in one place.. Fight is inevitable... The war is just a big step of it... But-... Is it really necessary? To propel humanity?..."


"Even if we managed to repel the Sirens... The Humanity will find another way to fight each other.... But remember, the scars of wars can prolong the peace... The greater the scar, the greater not wanting to do it.... And I hope.... After our world is free from suffering... I want our children smiling, laughing, and playing around..."

"Is that one of your wished Lady Prussia?"

"Greatly yes..." Prussia replied, while taking a deep breath....

Prussia has still the old Handel... Liked the History, in complication about the war as Handel couldn't find an answer whether the wars is necessary or not... Handel could see the benefits of the war, but the prices were too high....

Hood leaned on Prussia's shoulder as hood could smell the pleasurable scent from Prussia's hair...

"What a great wish you have Lady Prussia.... My wish is to sop this war for good..."

"We have a different wish, but the same for ending... Should we reach that wish together then?"

"Eheheh.. Of course, Lady Prussia..."



"Nacht steht hunger starr in unserm traum....~
Tags die schüsse knallen, herr vom waldessaum..~
Elend hält mit den Kolonnen Schritt~
Und in Frost und Nebel ziehn die Wölfe mit.~" 

Prussia continued singing the song.... And some lullabies that made Hood asleep by her beautiful voice...

Together, under the bright moon and stars... A two, women.... Slept together in peace....



"I think it will be too hard for us to make a peace on Sakura Empire compare to Iron Blood... But if we make peace with Iron Blood then Iris Orthodoxy will be left out, we should also make a peace on Ironblood that is also fair for Iris Orthodoxy..." Prussia said....

"With, Iris Orthodoxy back together.. It would take time for them to get along again, as the factions separates in two, because there are two main ideologies within the faction...." Prussia added....

"This war really made it difficult for us to have a peace" Warspite muttered and  sighed...

"And as for the Commonwealth..... It would be complicated for us not to make Commonwealth lost a territory..." Prussia said

"Though... If Ironbloods listen to us.. Then it would be a big success... But it is not easy as these sharks are really stubborn..." Prussia added...

"Then if we've managed to do it... The Sardegna Empire will follow, as they have no choice but to heed to the inevitable decision... Now, the left will be the Sakura Empire... It would be hard for us as they have a delusional figures.."

"We should warn the United States on Sakura Empire's movements.... Lately, they've been suspicious..." Queen Elizabeth said...

"Yes.. You may add that... Also contact the China fleet for possible attacks from the Sakura Empire..."

After an hour of discussing, and having a meeting about their position as a power... Many of the ships within the Royal Navy agreed to Prussia but some of them is against....

Prussia took a deep breath..... While staring into the empty room with a round table....

"This is surely so tough...." 

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