Chapter 9: Plan Singapore Fall

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"It's unavoidable... And so our main goal would be that the China Fleet escapes and regroup in Australia. And await for further orders from High Command. With the retreat of the fleet, our priority would be the Northeastern seas of Australia.. We don't want them land in this soil..." Prussia said pointing at the map...

"And not to worry...... Two Battlecruisers, will be joining your fleet.... HMS Renown, and HMS Repulse.. Already departed from their respective combat group to join this fleet." Prussia added and smiled....

The murmur of happiness and cheers erupted... China Fleet is relatively weak compared to Kido Butai of that of Sakura Empire. The fleet lacks a battleship within them, the only flagship is their heavy cruiser, HMS Kent, with a supporting Interwar Aircraft Carrier within them: HMS Eagle. With the two Battlecruisers joining on them is already a blessing....

However, Prussia believed that the fleet needed more strength than the two Battlecruisers could offer. To offer air cover on the breakout, the China Fleet requires one or two additional aircraft carriers. The operation will be made more difficult by those pesky Japanese aircraft carriers, notably the first carrier division, which is a difficult nut to crack. If they were to escape unscathed or without the first air division joining the battle, it would be a miracle. In order to reduce casualties during the retreat, those two battlecruisers essentially had to join the fleet. Before reaching Australia, there would be a very long run through the Java Sea and the Indonesian Islands. There is a remote possibility that a patrol fleet or a small battle group will be spotted in Java Sea. They won't squander time if the mission is about to start

"Your Highness, I think we need one Courageous class in this fleet. Or maybe two..." Prussia whispered on Prince of Wales...

"That's what I thought after the cheers... Air cover is essential during this break out.." Prince of Wales said..

"So... Do we need to contact the High Command again? Or do we need to contact Ceylon Squadron to assist on the break out?..." 

"Ceylon Squadron huh..... Does a such squadron really exist-???... Wait... How did you even found out that there's a squadron stationed on the Island of Ceylon?!" 

"Maybe it's because I know? Heh..." Prussia smirked.. She knew that a squadron in Ceylon exists because of a certain map game...

"On the other hand.. What's the status of Mediterranean fleet?.. I haven't heard of them in a while... I am assuming that they are having chores against the Italy no?...." Prussia tilted her head...

"Yes.. They are currently docked on Alexandria from what I heard... I received a report that they got attacked by a small size siren fleet and thankfully, there were no casualties..." Prince of Wales replied.... 

"Oh then that's great... I want Mediterranean Sea secured on Royal Navy's hands... Italian Navy is low on Pizzas, couldn't run their ships and had to stay in the port every time. Though we have to watch out. Regia Marina is stronger than the whole Mediterranean fleet, and had been allocating Pizzas from Romania. They will be running once soon..." 

"ONCE... Lady Prussia... Hahaha... The plan of yours is scary sometimes.... How are you just so ahead of us..." 

"It's a common?...." Prussia tilted her head.... With the "What" written all over in her face...

"I mean.... During the peace times, you have to predict your enemy's movement and make a plan.. Same rule applies during the war time... I am not a strategic genius or something. I am just making a word for possible outcomes on the future... And with them.... Singapore is the most obvious one...." Prussia said...

"I see..." 

"Tell me the reason why I want to go in the Pearl Harbor...." 

"Because you wanted to discuss for possible war between Eagle Union and Sakura Empire?" Prince of Wales answered....

"Oh~.. You're so close your highness....  So close... Oh well, you're gonna find out after our arrival in Pearl Harbor.... There you will see a suns in the skies....." Prussia said finished her tea....

"Come on, we will not squander time... Singapore is not the only our issue... It's the whole Asia and Pacific... Notice the Eagle Union's holdings in Pacific, the most notable is the Philippines. They are an important strategic place just like Singapore... With the Philippines not falling into Sakuranians... It could harass the flow of supplies from Sakura Mainland onto the southeast Asia..." Prussia stood up...

Prince of Wales followed suit through leaving the building office...

"Suns in the skies huh...." Prince of Wales inaudibly muttered...



"Farewell to all of you.... Notice me the updates of Sakura Empire's movements..." Prussia smiled...

"YES!" All of them shouted in Unison...

Prussia waved as their anchors began to raise......

"Pearl Harbor....." Prussia wore his pickelhaube.... With the swordfishes flying pass by above the Singapore harbor

"Let in this world and time in history.... You will not suffer a large destruction..."

"And to think that I have never noticed you...." She added....

Far away on the skies... A Spot plane belonging to Sakura Empire is flying at a steady pace.... It's mission is already completed, to capture an image of the harbor and so it made a slight turn to return on Taiwan.... 

"I will let you escape this time... Next time, I will put my missile war ahead right on your tails..." Prussia said....



Sakura Empire Mainland

"Lady Nagato. This is the photograph taken by our spot plane. I assume this ships are the reinforcement of the Royal Navy Eastern Fleet..." .....

"Hm?... It seems a two battleship and one aircraft carrier is added to their fleet..... Though.. I haven't heard or saw this ship before.. Do you have a record with that ship?"

"I..... I don't think so...."


Nagato narrowed her eyes to focus and zoomed in at the ship that is unfamiliar with her.... And she saw a woman at the bow on her pickelhaube... Glaring straight into her soul from the picture... The eyes are saying 'Attack and you dead'... Nagato felt her heart skipped a beat but nonetheless composed herself afterwards...

"I want you to stalk this ship and notice me on her movement.. She seems a dangerous woman to me and a threat to Sakura Empire..." 

"Yes...." The woman bowed....

"And also.... I want her one of our main target in our list... By looking at the ship, she seems to have a problematic weaponry for us... She seems to be registered in Royal Navy. I want her cripple during on our attack for Singapore... Let those First Carrier Division also be noticed by her existence.. Understood?"

The woman bowed again and left the halls..... Nagato left out a sigh and looked on to the skies....

"Ugh..... Surely will the First Carrier Division go easy on her?... It would be a massacre... One Ship against the two delusional Aircraft Carriers.."



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