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It was a real hassle getting Rya away from Zayn. She was crying and kicking like I was about to harm her. It tugged at my heart. okay that is an understatement. It felt like someone was ripping my heart out of my chest. Zayn was trying to be strong but I caught him catching his tears before they fell multiple times. He kept trying to tell Rya it was okay and he was going to visit her everyday. I felt terrible, but I was hurt and I was not ready to forgive him. For doing this to us. We were happy, we were okay, we were more than okay!

Rya fell asleep before I got to the hotel because she was exhausted from all her crying and thrashing. I still felt terrible.

I sat on the ottoman of the hotel room trying to get a grip of what had just happened. I started to cry before I could stop myself. This can't be happening to me again. I thought I had done everything right this time? I thought I did well?


The following morning I was readying us for our journey to abuja although no part of me wanted to go anymore. Some of my anger had dissipated and waking up without Zayn caging me in his arms like I was going to flee in the night felt like a hollow in my heart. I felt like running back to him but I know I needed time. To process, and to move past what had happened. He also needed time.

I woke Rya up and she had a burning fever. Oh my Allah not this again!
"Baby how are you feeling?"

"Fine. I want dada"
If I could get a penny for every time she's said that in the past 12 hours...

We make a stop at the doctors, hopefully it's a quick stop. He gave her first aid treatment before asking us to run some tests to get the results the following day. I stared at him suspiciously. Is he in cahoots with Zayn to keep me from traveling?

"I think you should run some tests too. Your hands are pale"

"I'm fine doctor, just a little stressed"

"I insist, especially since you said you're traveling. We need to make sure you're in tiptop shape"

I was sorely tempted to ignore the doctor but I decided since I'm here till tomorrow, I might as well just do it. Early the next morning I was back in the doctors office and he had our test results on his computer screen.

"Rya is fine, I'll prescribe some drugs that she'll take for a few days and she'll be good as new, you on the other hand I have to put on vitamin and iron supplements and a better diet"

Layla wanted to roll her eyes. This was a waste of time. No cares about a little anaemia...

"Because you're 8 weeks pregnant Layla"

Layla's stomach dropped to her feet and her ears started ringing. She didn't even hear anything else the doctor said after that until Rya tapped her with her tiny hands. The room and the doctor came back into focus. She drew in a big breath and asked
"Are you sure?"

The doctor chuckled
"Definitely. Congratulations, I guess I finally have a reason to call Zay-

"No! Please don't!"

The doctor scowled. He's family friends with Zayn and has been to our house a handful of times in the past year. So you could say we're family friends.

"Layla is everything alright?"

Layla contemplated what to say. My husband has an obsessed ex and I'm leaving because of her so I can't tell him I'm pregnant because he'll fuss and I won't be able to leave although I need time to clear my head? Definitely not.
So she said the next best thing.

"It's complicated"

The doctor stayed silent. Layla stared at him, wondered what he was thinking.

"Please doctor Jay, I need your-"

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