Part 11

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Layla's POV

"So you also wanted to be a military officer?" I asked Zayn.

"Yep. Applied together with your brother, Didn't get accepted. I was apparently too short at the time"

"You were once short?!" At this point, he and Habib were having the time of there lives laughing at my bewilderment.

I momentarily imagine Zayn as a military officer, on top of his already assertive personality. I shuddered.

"What groceries do you have?" Zayn asks when Habib complained of hunger.

"I have shrimps in the freezer. They've been there for a while I'm afraid they'll go bad" I said.

"Let's do something about it then" Zayn said standing up from the sofa and walking into the kitchen.

"It appears you're on baby duty" I say to Habib who was already playing with the baby.

"Yep, Rya and I have catching up to do" I smiled and left the sitting room. I missed him so much.

Zayn already had the shrimps out and his broad shoulders were crouched over sink carefully deveining them. He'd folded the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows and dawned on my apron. Which looked like it belongs to a Barbie doll on him. I can't possibly be that small can I?

"I see you've helped yourself" I say to him playfully getting his attention.

"I'm in my domain mama, all I need you to do is keep me company" I smiled. I like the sound of that.

So I sat on the freezer and we talked while he cooked. We talked about anything and everything while I ate a left over frozen yogurt I found in the fridge.

"How long has that been in there?"

"I've no idea"

He laughed. "Are you sure you should be eating it then?"

I shrugged "tastes fine to me"

"If you fall sick, you're going to get in a lot of trouble with me" he says without even looking back at me. He just casually continued tossing the shrimp in the wok. It made me wonder what kind of trouble. What could he possibly do?

I was helping Zayn plate the food when I heard Rya's cry.
"What in the 20 minutes nap I just put her down!" Zayn laughs at me.

"She's probably hungry"

"Yeah probably" I put some of the rice and a few pieces of shrimps into her bowl before turning to leave.

"Are you okay to finish up in here?" I asked Zayn once I was at the kitchen door.

"I'm good mama I'll be out in a tic" I quietly watched him plate the rest of the food and begin to wipe down the stove with so much fluidity and expertise. Zayn in the kitchen, was a sight to behold. How can a man be so perfect?

"My baby is hungry Layla" I jumped at the sound of his voice and nearly sprinted out of the kitchen. How did he know I was still there?

It ten minutes we were all having our meal; stir fried rice and vegetables with chipotle shrimps. Delicious doesn't even begin to cover it.

"Damn brother you can cook!" Habib exclaimed causing us to laugh. Rya followed suit, clapping her hands gingerly. It made us laugh more.

After the meal, I gave Rya a bath. She was learning to use a spoon so she had rice all over her person. I dressed her up in her Minnie Mouse body suit and took her to the sitting room to say goodnight since she was yawning so much.

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