Part 4

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It was a sight to behold; Layla Amin in her Swarovski crystal abaya and Versace handbag being ushered into a police vehicle like a common criminal. She wanted to die of mortification and fear, mostly fear.
The women at the clinic were now standing around with their hands on their waists, quietly assessing the situation before them and murmuring.

Layla's fear seeped out of her and was quickly replaced by anger. She was pissed at the doctor, at Ahmad, at her parents, she was pissed at the world for turning its back on her and treating her like horse shit because she got pregnant. She has had enough and she was going to let them know as soon as she reached home. She didn't care if they sent her packing.

Ahmad was treated worse. The police men kept smacking his head and telling him he was going to be charged with kidnapping. Layla felt bad but there was nothing she could do since he was in a different car altogether. Plus he kinda deserves it. "It was going to be a long excruciating drive" Layla thought.

By six pm, there were back in abuja. A mix of relief and fear bubbled in her chest. She felt like throwing up. The driver kept taking turns the didn't lead to her house.

"Where are you taking me?!" Layla asked with panic. She was completely ignored. She was sitting between two police men, she had no way of running and it worried her. What if this was yet another set up, and these weren't even police men? Was she being abducted?
She took her phone and hurriedly dialed her mother's number. She got no answer. She dialed two more times, nothing. The man on her right wordlessly snatched the phone as she was about to call again.

"How dare you?" She yelled with panic in her tone wondering if her parents will really leave her at the mercy of kidnappers because she got knocked up. No. No This, cannot possibly be happening. Shortly, they drove into the gates of a duplex somewhere in kado?

"Where is this? Where have you taken me? You said my parents!"

Layla was about to have a panic attack when she saw Uncle farouq came out of the house. His face beaming with a smile. I chill of disgust ran through her spine and now, she was hundred percent sure she was going to hurl her guts out. Without warning, Layla threw up on the floor of the vehicle. The police men hurriedly jumped out, exclaiming in irritation.

Farouk's face contorted into a scowl. He yanked Layla out of the car by her arm.

"You're hurting me!" She yelled and he immediately released her and smiled.

"Gentlemen, thank you for the assist" he said pulling out an envelope from his pocket and handing it to them. They smiled widely and left.

"Take me back to my parents !"

"Sweetheart it was your parents who asked for you to be brought here. Apparently you are a runaway bride" Farouq said with a chuckle.

"I am not a bride and sure as hell not your bride" she spat out, to which he just laughed and started walking towards the entrance of the house.

"We'll see about that. Come into the house Layla, I don't want you or my baby to get sick" he said without looking back. Inalillahi wa inna ilaihirrajiun. This was really happening. Layla felt her stomach contents rush to her mouth for the second time that day.


9months later *

"Miss Layla, I need you to push as hard at you can, one last time" the nurse said. Layla's mind was reeling with mind numbing pain and all she could think about was 'curse Ahmad Goni.

Mustering the last of her strength, Layla pushed with a scream, feeling the weight that had occupied her body and her life for almost a year evacuate. She sighed greatly collapsing into the pillow.

"Congratulations, it's a baby girl" the nurse said holding a bundle in her arms. Layla was scared for some reason, she extended her arms hesitantly.
The little girl was screaming at the top of her lungs. Layla didn't realize she was also crying. She brought the baby to her chest and that was all it took for her to fall wholly and entirely in love.

Layla got home to find her mum, sitting impatiently on the edge of the sofa. She chuckled to herself, not believing she just called this place 'home'. It was the first time she was seeing her mum since the police brought her here against her will. Her family had treated her like she died. For a brief moment, Layla had wished she had.

"Welcome home baby" her mum said. Layla wasn't sure if the woman was referring to her or the baby in her arms but she was sure as hell none of them were going to reply. She ignored the woman and carefully started for the stairs, wanting nothing more than to lie down and sleep for days. Her mother hurriedly followed her, grabbing onto her arm.

"Layla I am your mother!" The woman said with a sob. Layla shook off the woman's hand. Her mother would not treat her the way this woman has.
It hurt her to see tears stream down her mum's face but she was hurt. Beyond hurt. Layla was heartbroken, she was angry. They had treated her like garbage, forced her into a sham marriage, then proceeded to let her go through pregnancy and child birth at 18! Alone! That, was unforgivable.

She continued up the stairs while the woman broke down hysterically. "What I would give for this to be one long nightmare" Layla thought.

"Her name is Rya" Layla told her husband when he returned later that night. He looked bored. He had told her once that he couldn't wait for her to start having his own babies.
He had had the decency to not touch her all through the pregnancy. They were mere housemates for nine months. Layla didn't even cook or clean. The thought of having uncle Farouk's babies made her blood boil. If he really thought she was going to sit locked up in a house and have babies then he had another thing coming. Now that she had her baby safe with her, she was bolting at the very next opportunity.

Layla used the next three months to recover. Even though she disapproved, he mother had stayed with her and helped her. Taught her how to feed the baby amongst other things and even though Layla would never admit, she was super grateful.

Rya easily had everyone spellbound. She was a beautiful little girl and although fussy, everyone was utterly in love with her. Layla was glad that the doctor back in Kaduna had snitched and stopped the termination.

It was currently 6am on a Sunday. The sun was just starting to chase away the darkness and everyone was asleep except for the security guard whom Layla just heard leave for church. Perfect. She strapped on her baby bag which contained everything she needed; her babies clothes, diapers, formula, hot water flask and her debit card containing atleast 5million naira she had managed to extract from her husband in the past nine months. From money for clothes, to money for jewelry... he had given her easily because he knew she was Layla Kabir and that any chance she got, she will take off. He thought he could buy her freedom.

She gathered a sleeping Rya in her arms just as her phone buzzed silently. It was him. She picked the call and answered quietly.

"I'm here" he said. Layla smiled anxiously and replied

"We're on our way out. See you soon"

As Layla got to the gate, the light of Uncle Farouq's bedroom came on. Shit. She coaxed the gate open and ran out, leaving it slightly ajar. She saw his shadow pacing impatiently next to his car in a distance and she almost cried for joy. She waved and hurried towards him just as he ran towards her. He engulfed her in a big bear hug and she cried happy tears into his shirt.

"Oh my God! I finally get to meet my niece!" Habib said as he collected the baby from Layla. In seconds, he also became a victim of Rya's unspoken charm.

"Her name is Rya. It means dream" Layla said quietly.

"Damn straight, cause it feels like I'm dreaming right now. She's so beautiful, like her mum" Habib said kissing Layla's forehead. Layla smiled, she missed her brother dearly.

"Muje muje muje!" He said and hurried towards the car. He strapped the baby securely into the car seat he had installed the day before as Layla got in the front. In minutes , they were speeding out of Abuja like they were being chased.


Hi babiesss it been a while

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