"new girl for the playboy"

Start from the beginning

"Harry wanted to talk to him." Leo replied, "It's almost midnight, he probably needs to get the fireworks ready."

"He's doing muggle fireworks again?" George questioned, "I didn't think he'd be allowed to."

"Why?" Leo asked. While her family often attended the Potter New Year's Party just like at Christmas, Leo, Bianca, and Marco would go to the city to celebrate instead.

"Last year he nearly blew the roof off the house. The show was sick, way cooler than wizard fireworks, but he also nearly killed us all so..."

"Sounds like James." Leo nodded understandingly.

"Alright everyone!" Harry's voice was amplified magically. "Let's head outside for some fireworks as we count down to midnight!"

As Leo and the gang chose a spot outside, Harry approached them.

"Uhh, Leo, James said to go see him after the fireworks are over. I told him you weren't allowed until after." Harry said awkwardly.

"Okay, thank you sir." Leo said with a polite smile.

"Right." Harry nodded uncomfortably, "Use protection." He said quickly before walking away.

Leo's face quickly flushed as Bianca and her sat down on the grass, "Even James's parents see what the rest of us see."

"Mhm." Leo mumbled as it hit her that she didn't remind James to fix the marks she left on his neck... All over his neck.

"Maybe James wants to kiss you at midnight." Bianca teased.

"I'm not allowed over until after midnight remember." Leo said knowing that he absolutely wanted to kiss her.

"Mmm then maybe an after midnight kiss." Bianca corrected.

"Yeah probably." Leo agreed.

"Wait you're not yelling at me right now." Bianca asked confused. "Marco get over here."

"What's up?" Marco said as he moved over next to them.

"I told Leo that James wanted to kiss her and she said 'Yeah probably'." Bianca explained.

"Gasp." Marco said aloud. "Is Leo messing with us?"

"I think she is." Bianca agreed.

"Why would you think I'm messing with you?" Leo questioned but at this point she actually was messing with them.

"Why would you think I'm messing with you?" Marco mocked, "Leo are you serious?"

"As serious as James's middle name." Leo replied.

"Wait so if James does actually kiss you you're going to be like okay about that." Bianca asked carefully.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Leo asked with a head tilt.

"Because you've been flipping out at the mere mention of you and James together and now you're acting like it would be no big if he kissed you after midnight?" Bianca explained.

"Because it wouldn't be a big deal." Leo replied.

"James kissing you for the first time wouldn't be a big deal?" Marco questioned.

"Oh I mean it was." Leo agreed.

"Oh was it- WAS IT." Bianca gawked, "PAST TENSE?"

"Yeah." Leo shrugged with a growing smirk on her face.

"YOU AND JAMES KISSED??" Marco exclaimed which got the attention of Fred and George.


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