"But your pregnant now," Chicago complained.

"Chi, I have to get to class and you have a lecture class to get to," Clementine changed the subject.

"Okay, wish me luck," Chicago smiled and started walking to her class. Oakley slowly walks up to her.

"Who was that, and who are Mikey and Jordyn," Oakley raised an eyebrow.

"Their my friends and we have to get to class I'm 2 minutes late," Clementine grabbed Oakley's hand and slowly walked in sitting on the 4th row, they walk down some stairs and sat down on the empty seats on the left side, Jordyn was on the very right side in the 6th row and watched as her best friend sat down with a man, Jordyn groaned and grabbed her stuff as she made her way toward her best friend and the strange man, as she went up to them Jordyn sat beside Clementine.

"Yo, who's your friend," Jordyn asked.

"Um, just a guy I met while I was in a cafe, we really hit off," Clementine let out a nervous chuckle.

"Clem, you do know if someone doesn't recognize him he's gonna get kicked out or worse," Jordyn sighed.

"He just wanted to see what college was like he never went," Clementine mumbled.

"Is pregnancy making you stupid right now," Jordyn looked at her strangely.

"Jordyn I'm fine," Clementine shrugged.

"So what's your name," Jordyn asked Oakley as he looked anywhere else but at Jordyn.

"It's Evan," Clementine informed.

"I was asking him, do you even know anything about this guy, he looks like a fucking rich ass wipe," Jordyn whisper yelled, as she took a look at what he was wearing and Oakley's gold watch and the chain around his neck, Oakley quietly sighed as he put the chain in his jacket.

"Wait a minute, I've seen a picture of that exact hand tattoo's," Jordyn informed and Oakley pulled down his sleeves after Jordyn took a glimps of his hand a half of his arm.

"Anyone could have wanted these and put them on their hand," Clementine shrugged.

"No. Wait," Jordyn everything racked Jordyn's brain trying to find out where she saw this from, as she finally realized and she let out a loud gasp, and the whole room echoed with her gasp.

"Ms. Smith, is there anything you want to share with the class," Mr. Daniels raised an eyebrow as he looked at the group.

"I'm sorry, Professor Daniels, I just had a hiccup," Jordyn lied and Mr. Daniels hummed a 'hm' before he went back to teaching.

"I can't believe you brought him here," Jordyn whisper shouted.

"He wanted to see what my life was like so he's following me around for the day, how bad could it be," Clementine defended.

"This is crazy Clem," Jordyn rolled her eyes.

"Really!? That's it, this is the only thing you're worried about," Clementine scoffed.

"No, after class I am going to scream at you two," Jordyn huffed.

"Does, Mikey and Chi know he's here," Jordyn asked.

"No," Clementine mumbled.

"Oh my God," Jordyn sighed.

"Girls! This is your second warning!" Professor Daniels groaned.

"Sorry Professor," Clementine apologized and he continued teaching.

"What's up her ass," Oakley whispered and Clementine let out a quiet laugh.

"Excuse me she happens to be my best friend,"

"Well your best friend has issues and needs to stop acting like a bitch," Oakley smirked and Clementine made eye contact with her as she let out a quiet chuckle.

"She's always a bitch, it makes her, her," Clementine explained.

"Sure," Oakley rolled his eyes.

After class was over Jordyn was lecturing Clementine and Clementine couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"This is crazy," Jordyn sighed.

"You don't really care about first impressions do you," Oakley asked Jordyn.

"Excuse me," Jordyn raised an eyebrow.

"Meaning, you are being very bitchy right now," Oakley smiled.

"Excuse me!" Jordyn shouted.

"Your excused," Oakley remarked as they stopped in the middle of the hall and Oakley and Jordyn faced each other as Clementine was in the middle.

"Can you guys not, we're in college," Clementine spoke.

"Maybe you shouldn't have brought your baby daddy here," Jordyn complained.

"You know what!" Clementine sighed.

"Jordyn I really don't have time for your shit right now, so when your done bitching and complaining, let me know," Clementine rolled her eyes and took Oakley's hand leading him threw the hall.

"How are you friends with her," Oakley asked.

"Jordyn's not that bad," Clementine defended.

"So you just told her out for nothing," Oakley raised an eyebrow.

"What are you trying to say," Clementine asked as they continued their walk to her next class.

"I don't know, I guess, you shouldn't be around someone like that," Oakley shrugged.

"Well she's my brother's girlfriend now, so," Clementine ran a hand down her silky black hair.

"Hm," Oakley nodded.

For the rest of the day, Oakley and Clementine were together, and they were now in front of Clementine's apartment door.

"I had a great day with you," Oakley smirked.

"Yeah I did too," Clementine smiled.

"Well I should be going," Oakley gave her a final smile and decided to kiss her cheek, as he did he slowly pulled away inches from her face and he smashed his lips on hers, they kissed for a few seconds, Oakey slowly reaches towards her waist and pushed her against the door about to grab her thigh but he resists and pulled apart, feeling each other's breaths on their face.

"Bye," Oakley smirked.

"B- bye," Clementine smiled as she blushed.

A/N: I know I set a time from when I was gonna post this and I knew I wasn't gonna stick to that time but at least I finished it on this day, was supposed to post this hours ago but I kept getting distracted and I just now finished it. HOPE YOU ENJOYED!

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