✧ ˚ 22 · twenty-two .

Start from the beginning

Ava returned his smile, "Absolutely, Peter. Let's go."

They walked together towards the nearby coffee shop, the cool breeze of the evening adding a touch of excitement to the atmosphere. As they stepped into the cosy café, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.

Peter and Ava found a quiet corner to sit, and as they settled into their seats, Peter couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and joy. He wanted to make a good impression and have a meaningful conversation with Ava.

"So, how was gymnastics practice today?" Peter asked, trying to break the ice.

Ava's eyes lit up as she recounted her practice and the progress she had made on her routines. Peter listened attentively, impressed by her dedication and talent. He admired how passionate she was about gymnastics and how she could light up when talking about it.

As they sipped their coffee and shared stories, Peter began to feel more at ease. He realized that he and Ava had a natural chemistry that made conversation flow effortlessly. The initial nervousness he felt was replaced with a sense of comfort and connection.

Peter found himself laughing at Ava's mischievous tale. "No way! What did your dad say?" he chuckled.

"Let's just say he wasn't impressed. I had my paints taken away for a day - but he couldn't resist my puppy eyes," Ava replied, recalling a time when she attempted to paint her dad's Iron Man suit pink.

What about your mom?" he had asked without thinking, and her smile faltered for a moment. Peter couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for unintentionally bringing up a sensitive topic. "

"Well, my step-mom was more like an aunt at that time," Ava said, trying to recover her composure. "She was Dad's assistant, but she thought it was hilarious."

Peter felt a mix of relief that he didn't make her too uncomfortable and guilt for inadvertently reminding her of her loss. "I'm sorry-" he began to apologize, but Ava shook her head gently.

"It's fine, Pete. My mom died when I was little," she explained with a hint of sadness in her voice, "and I will always miss her, but it brought my dad and me closer together."

"I can relate," Peter shared with a soft sigh, opening up about his own pain, "my parents died in a plane crash when I was four. Aunt May and Uncle Ben took me in, but he passed away last year."

Ava's eyes softened with empathy as Peter shared his own story of loss. "I'm so sorry to hear that," she said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "Losing someone you love is never easy."

Peter nodded, appreciating her understanding. "Yeah, it's been tough, but I'm grateful for Aunt May. She's been there for me every step of the way."

Ava smiled warmly, "Family is everything, isn't it?"

As the conversation continued, they found comfort in each other's company, knowing that they had both experienced deep loss but had also found strength in the love and care of their chosen family. The bond between them grew stronger, and they felt a sense of solace in sharing their stories with someone who truly understood.

Ava looked down at her empty mug, "I've really enjoyed this, Peter."

Peter smiled warmly at Ava, feeling a newfound closeness between them. "Me too, Ava. It's been really nice getting to know you better."

Ava returned his smile, and a sense of gratitude washed over her. She never expected their coffee date to turn into such a meaningful and comforting experience. They got up, cleaning up their mess and placing their mugs neatly in the middle of the table.

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