Start from the beginning

Arabella flattened her black dress, staring at the mansion. "Oh, god. I shouldn't be here." Stefan sighed as he looked at the house.

"Me either. I have social events." Arabella shook her head as Damon shook his head at his two younger siblings.

"Come on, don't be a downer." Damon told them as he walked straight in. "It's a party for founding families. That would be us. It would be rude to skip." He turned back around to face the two unimpressed siblings.

"As long as I get free alcohol, I'll keep to myself." Arabella hummed as Damon grinned at her comment.

"That's the spirit." He snapped his fingers at her.

"I liked you a whole lot better when you hated everybody." Stefan added as he looked around wearily.

"Oh I still do. I just love that they love me." He chuckled as Bella shook her head at her brother. "How you feeling?" He asked Stefan as Arabella grabbed a glass of wine from a waiter walking by.

"Im good, I'm fine." Stefan mumbled as Bella sipped her wine.

"No cravings, no urges?" Damon taunted him slightly, making Bella hit his arm.

"Don't be a bitch dams." Arabella scolded him slightly.

"Yeah, just friendly conversation, belly." He lifted his hands up in defence. "Is that whiskey you've been drinking all day doing it's job?" He turned his attention back to stefan. "We are who we are stefan. Pretending doesn't change that. Unless you're a witch." He threw his arm around bellas neck.

She shook him off, wanting to go home already. "I will throw you into a wall." She grinned at him sarcastically as he messed up her hair, making her groan.

"Nothing would make you happier that to see me give in?" Stefan narrowed his eyes at damon.

"Whatever. It's inevitable." Damon continued to look around the house.

"I'm gonna go find elena." Stefan told his older siblings as Arabella nodded her head with a smile.

"Don't embarrass me, young man." Damon pointed at stefan as he left. "Now I have to introduce you to many people." Damon grinned as he held her shoulders, leading her into a different room.

"Why?" She shook her head. "I agreed to come, not to make buddies with random people."

"Fine, we'll get a few drinks down you then you'll be talking to to moon." Damon spoke with a slight laugh.

Arabella was now on her forth glass of  wine when damon dragged her over to the sheriff

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Arabella was now on her forth glass of wine when damon dragged her over to the sheriff. "Ahh, you know I love a woman in uniform, but I have to side with this look." He flirted with the blonde women, making Arabella roll her eyes at him. "You look smashing."

The older woman smiled at his comment. "Thank you, damon." She chuckled as he lifted his glass up. Arabella turned to look at the many people walking past, zoning out slightly until she was tapped on her shoulder. "This is my younger sister, Arabella." Damon smiled as he patted bellas shoulder.

FORGOTTEN FLAME - klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now