Chapter 11

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There will be a time skip to where Niall and Louis are 8 months pregnant and due any day. They are done touring and back at home.

"Harry!!! Liam!!! Zayn!!" Niall and I call out. They all come running. "What's wrong?" They ask. "Come here." We say placing their hands on our stomachs so they could feel the baby's kicking. "You screamed like that because they were kicking?" Harry says. "Sorry." We say as we stand up. "It's okay love." They say. "Let's get some food and then we can watch a movie and eat popcorn." Liam says. "Yes that sounds perfect." Niall says sitting at the table. Zayn calls and orders food, while we wait for the food we play a game. Liam is winning so far but Niall is catching him. The food arrives just as Liam wins the game. "I'll get it." Harry says. He comes back with the food and we get out what we ordered and start to eat. Niall steals Zayn's fries and eats them so Zayn steals Liam's and Liam reaches over to take one of Niall's and I know what was about to happen so I spat Liam's hand. "Hey what was that for?" Liam says. "No one touches Niall's food. He doesn't like it. He never has." I say. Liam sits back and pouts while Niall and Zayn look proud. Once we are done eating we go back to the couch and I put on Greece. "Really Lou, this again?" Zayn says. "Hey I like it leave me alone." I say Niall falls asleep halfway through so Liam and Zayn decide it's time for them to go home. Harry and I finish Greece and Harry makes me pancakes. Once we are done eating them we go get ready for bed. "I love you so much Louboo." Harry says. "I love you so much too Hazza." I say kissing him and snuggling closer to him. I drift off to sleep as I hear harry whisper to my stomach "I love you to my sweet baby. I can't wait to meet you." he whispers and wraps his arm around me and leaves a hand on my stomach. I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. I get up and go to the bathroom then make my way downstairs. I sit down at the table and wait for him to turn around. "Lou you scared me. I thought you were still asleep." He says. "Sorry darling. I woke up and you weren't there so I got up." I explain. "Well here's your food." He says sitting a plate of Chocolate covers pancakes and strawberries in front of me and one with regular pancakes in front of him. We finish our food right as there is a nock on the door. "I got it." Harry says jumping up. I don't here a sound but someone covers my eyes. "Guess who" the person says. "Niall" I say. "Correct." Niall says uncovering my eyes. We laugh and make our way to the couch and Put on Moana. "A Disney movie ? " Liam says walking in. "Yep." We say. They sit down and the movie begins. Liam, Zayn and Harry get bored of the movie and go to the kitchen calming they have to talk about work. Niall and I get to the sad part and we began crying. We keep watching the movie and once it's over we talk about names for our babies. "If it is a boy I was thinking about about James and If it's a girl I'm thinking about Carly or Ruth." Niall says. "Aww those would be perfect. For a boy I'm thinking Edward or William and for a girl I'm thinking about Jay after my mother." I say. "Oh Lou those are perfect." Niall says. "I just wish she could meet her grand child." I say with tears in my eyes. "Oh Lou look at it this way, she sent the baby to you." he says. "Thanks. let's go into the kitchen." I say as we get up. We walk to the kitchen but before we passed the doorway, I felt pain and I could tell Niall did as well because he screamed. Harry turned around to look and notice the same thing I notice. Our water broke. "Liam Zayn get Niall and Louis to the car. I'll grab the bags. Hurry" Harry says going to grab the bag. Zayn helps Niall and Liam helps me to the car. Once Harry gets in we drive to the Hospital, We are rushed to the room and are prepared for what is going to happen. After 40 minutes the doctor says we can start pushing. After an hour I am holding a beautiful baby girl and boy it turns out I was pregnant with twins. Niall had a baby boy. The doctors bring Niall in the room I'm in. "What do you want to name him?" Liam and Zayn ask Niall. "James Javadd Malik." Niall says. "So our middle name as his first and Zayn's middle name as his middle?" Liam ask. "Yes, Is that okay?" Niall ask. "It's perfect love." Liam and Zayn say. "What about you Lou?" Harry ask as they all turn to look at me. "For our son I was thinking about Edward Robin Stylinson and for our daughter Jay Grace Stylinson." I say. "Those are perfect." The other three say. I look around the room at Harry holding our son, Liam and Zayn laying beside Niall and their son and I look down at my daughter in my arm. All I can think is how I never dreamed of this but always hoped it would happen.

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