Chapter 5

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My alarm goes off, I groan and get up. It's Monday meaning I have Uni and work today. I get dressed and go to wake Niall up. "Niall get up it's time for Uni." I say as I shake him. "It's to early." He says. "I'll make you breakfast." I say. He jumps up, "Okay I'll be ready soon." He says. "Okay" I say laughing and go to make breakfast for us. I'm done cooking and have the plates out by time Niall is done getting ready. "Here you go mate." I say handing him a plate and taking a seat. "Thanks mate." He says with a mouthful. "Your welcome." I say. Once we are done eating, We grab our bags and get into the car. I drive us to school while we listen to the radio. Our fist class of the day is Music Theory. We walk into the class and take our seats, We are the first students there. "I can't wait to see Liam and Zayn later." Niall whispers to me. "I know, I can't wait to see Harry as well." I whisper back. We continue talking until the teacher finally says it is time to start the class. "Today we are working on how to construct a piece of music. Find a partner for this, You have until the end of class." The teacher says. Niall and I work together and we are finished before everyone else. Once the bell rings, we turn it in and head to our next class. We have Tonality, when we get to the class there are already other students so we take our seats and wait to start the lesson. "Today we will be learning how to arrangement of pitches and chords of a musical work in a hierarchy of perceived relations. Find your partner's from last week. " The teacher says as he walk around the room. Niall and I are partner's again, We work hard and eventually get the hang of it. Once we are done, the teacher says we can leave early so we head to our next class. "We only have two classes left and then we get to see them." Niall says excitably. I laugh as our phones buzz, I check mine and it's harry and from the look on Niall's face I can tell it was Liam and Zayn texting him. Hey babe, How many classes do you have left? They sent. Two classes, Can't wait to see you. Niall and I both sent. See you soon better get to you class now. They respond. The bell rings and we walk inside and wait for the teacher. We have harmony. "Today we will be learning the set of principles that govern how musical notes work together in chords. Find a partner." Our teacher, Mrs. Webb's, says. Niall and I partner up and get to work. Our teacher walks around listening to all of us. "Good Job boys." She says as she walks by Niall and I. The bell rings soon and we head to our next class, we have Voice lessons. We have been working on a song as a project. We are already done with ours so today we present them. "Niall and Louis, you are up first. Are you ready?" The teacher ask. "Yes we are ready." We say as we take the spot at the front. Niall grabs a guitar and starts strumming. "I figured it out I figured it out from black and white Seconds and hours Maybe they had to take some time I know how it goes I know how it goes from wrong and right Silence and sound Did they ever hold each other tight like us? Did they ever fight like us?" Niall sang. "You and I, we don't wanna be like them We can make it 'til the end Nothing can come between you and I Not even the Gods above Can separate the two of us No, nothing can come between you and I Oh, you and I." I sing. "I figured it out Saw the mistakes of up and down Meet in the middle There's always room for common ground I see what it's like I see what it's like for day and night Never together 'Cause they see things in a different light like us They never tried like us." We both sing. Before we can finish the bell rings, "Good job boys. You both pass." Our teacher says as everyone leaves. We walk out and see Harry, Liam and Zayn waiting for us. Once we see them, We take off running to them and they hold out their arms open for us. We run into their arms and they pick us up. Once they sit us down, we notice other students watching with open mouth's. We all laugh and get into the car. "How was your day?" They ask. "Good. We finally finished our song." We say. "What song?" Zayn ask. "The song we had to do for a project." Niall explains. "I bet it sounded amazing. What's it called?" Liam says. "You and I is the name of it" I respond. "Maybe, we could hear you sing the whole song tonight?" Harry ask. "Of course." Niall and I say at the same time. "Okay. We will pick you up after your shift Lou and then we will go get Niall unless he will be at your work." Harry says. "I'll be at Lou's work with him." Niall says. "We will pick you both up and take you back to our house." Harry responds. "Wait, You want us at your house?" I ask. "Of course. We have seen yours so you should see ours." Liam, Zayn and Harry say in unison. We get to the restaurant and eat. As we eat, Liam, Harry and Zayn are talking about work so Niall and I talk about getting to see their house. My phone rings so I excuse myself to answer it. I step outside and hit answer, "Hello. Lou I need you to come home." I hear Lottie say. "Why what happened?" I ask. "I can't get the kids to get eat. They keep saying they won't eat unless you and Niall are here. Please help." she says. "Lottie, calm down your rambling. Listen I have to work I don't know if I can take off but I will try. and yes I will bring Niall if I can also there will be three other people with us. Let me call my boss and see what I can do." I say as I hang up and call Lauran. "Hey Lou, What's up?" she ask. "I was wondering if I could take off. Lottie called she needs help with the kids." I say. "Sure, of course Lou. No problem." She says. I hang up and go back inside. I finish my food and we get ready to leave. "Actually, I'm not going to work. I need to go home. My sister called and needs my help." I say. "That's fine love. do you want to drive?" Harry ask holding out the keys. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes I'm sure." He says. I take the keys and we get in the car. I drive to my home thinking about my sisters and Ernie the whole time. Once we get there I turn the car off and give Harry the keys and run to the door. The door opens before I even got there and it is Lottie. She moves out the way and points to the kitchen. I run to the kitchen and once I get in there, Daisy and Phoebe run to me as well as Fizzy who has Doris and Ernie on her hips. I hug them all. "We missed you Achoo." Daisy says. "It's okay I'm here now." I say. "Niall!!!" Daisy and Phoebe yell and run to him. "Girls!!!" Niall yells back picking them up. I turn around to see Harry, Liam and Zayn watching will smiles on their faces. "Who are they?" Fizzy ask. "This is Liam and Zayn and they are my boyfriends." Niall says. "You better treat Niall with they respect and love he deserves." Lottie says. "Yeah, He is part of this family." Fizzy says. "This is Harry, He's my boyfriend." I say. "What we just said to the other two goes for you as well." The girls say. "Don't worry We won't do a single thing to hurt them?" Liam, Zayn and Harry say in unison. "Now girls sit down and get. I'll take Ernie and Niall can take Doris." I say. We all take a seat at the table, the kids eating now that Niall and I have arrived.

I'm going to end this chapter here.

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