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Chloe knew how her life was slowly getting back on track. She knew that it hadn't been easy. But she knew that she was getting her life back on track. And she was happy.

She knew how it had taken a while. But she knew that she was staying with Thea. She was happier there then with Rachel.

Chloe got dressed for school. She walked down into the kitchen. She saw Tom and Thea and smiled at them.

She could see how happy that they were. How happy Tom made her sister.

Chloe looked to Esmè as she sat in the high chair. "She's getting so big."

Thea nodded. "Tell me about it. I need to buy her some more clothes."

Chloe smiled. "You're a good mum. Unlike our own. She only cares over her career," she mumbled.

Thea looked to her sister and smiled. "I know it's hard. I know how you feel second best to her job. Trust me I know what that feels like. But at the end of the days it's not worth it. She tries to act like the perfect mother but she isn't. But I am your sister and I am here for you," she told her.

Chloe looked to Thea and smiled. She was grateful that she had her sister. She knew how things were. She knew that she felt as if she could only count on her sister right now.

She knew just how let down that she felt by her own mother.


Chloe got to school. She was sat in the common room as she looked to see Max as he walked in. He looked to her and smiled. "Chloe, how are you? I know that your home life it's been far from easy," he said

Chloe shrugged. "You could say that. My mother cares more about her job career more than me. It's not as if I need her attention all of the time. I just need her to care for me. And not because it makes her look bad. I just hate how she acts."

Max smiled. "Your mother is a very driven woman. But you are her child. And you should be her priority. I want you to know if you ever need anything I am here for you. You can talk to me," he said as she looked to him and smiled.

She knew how close she seemed to be getting to Max Tyler.


Chloe walked down the hallway. She groaned as she saw Rachel. "Whatever it is, I am not in the mood," she said.

"I am your mother. You have a legal right to be under my roof. Don't make me call the police on your sister,"

"This is my choice not hers. Thea is a good person. And a better mum than you ever were. Don't try and bully me into this. I am not coming home with you," Chloe said as she walked off.

Rachel looked after her daughter and frowned. She wanted Chloe back home.

She knew that was where she should be. But could Rachel ever win Chloe back around?

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