Adira was too kind for her own good, and like her parents had a fascination with humans and life in general. Y/N was surprisingly mature in the right situation but usually, it was overpowered by her great ego. Igneel wondered where it could've come from but Grandeeney and many others could see who it originated from.

All in all the sisters were stuck to the hip and planned to achieve many goals together, though at the moment they were trying to overpower the other. "Nippy, Dew, That's enough!" Igneel demanded. Grandeeney snickered at the nicknames he gave the two.

'Dew' roared a water blast to Nippy' who froze it mid-air. They continued on ignoring their adoptive father fully. He grumbled at the sight. Seeing either of them planned to stop each of the elder dragons placed one of the sisters on their head and they proceeded on with their path. "What's so secret about this place anyway? It better not be some stinky forest!" Y/N pouted looking around for the destination.

Adira looked at her sister with excitement from Grandeeney's head, "Or it could be a hidden village of humans!" Igneel released a deep chuckle, "It's either of those, it's a place where you'll be visiting quite often and I've yet to tell others about it"

This caught the girls' attention. They've only been in the caverns surrounded by other dragons, short flights in the sky, and on really rare occasions they'd visit a kingdom with humans. So hearing news of a new place to explore calmed them down, to an extent.

"Is it another dragon meeting us there?" Y/N questioned. Adira looked in thought trying to guess, "Will there be fish!?"

Igneel decided to amuse them. "It will only be you two, me, and occasionally another ally of mine." The fire dragon looked up at Y/N, "It won't be too fun but you'll get used to it." he spoke. They continued to venture through the plains of lush grass that seemed to be slowly dying.

A calming silence fell upon the group the two younger ones still guessing the destination. Adira tried to guess again but her sister beat her to it.

"I get it! You're finally going to get rid of me and Adira 'cause you're too old to keep us!" Y/N declared.

Adira looked horrified and Grandeeney tried to cover her laugh until Adira added in a disturbed tone, "That's why it's secret!" Grandeeney cackled in amusement, nearly knocking the frightened Adira off her head.

Igneel comically responded in shock. "WHAT! I'd never-Why would you think that?!" The three laughed at his expense and he seemed about done with their taunting.

Luckily his hopes of the conversation changing were acknowledged. Shortly after the banter, they all started to feel the temperature drop extremely low and the crash of waves could be heard. "This seems to be it" Igneel grumbled.

The sisters were set down on the cold ground. The first thing they noticed was the deficiency of life and any growth was covered in crystallized ice. The trees hung low with the jewel-like ice glistening in the light. The cool, crisp chilled air nipped at their snouts harshly, it even clung to their claws. Adira shivered, while Y/N remained unaffected.

The more they wandered the plains' growth started being replaced by sand, white sand. The pure grainy sand resembled snow, the only thing determining the difference was the sand being warm contrasting the icy theme behind them.

Furthermore in the distance ahead of them was a glass clear sea. The salty water looked impeccably clear anything floating or swimming in it looked to be flying.

Overall the place was enchanting even Grandeeney was pleasantly surprised at the sight. The girls on the other hand were completely frozen, scaring Igneel with how quiet they were.

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