"I didn't mean it that way, even though you're right it's not about age... P'max holds longer, and he older than you," Tine said and lay back down, but Sarawat woke him up again.

"What?? how do you know??!" Sarawat asked

"What...? you know he... practices a lot, so..." Tine tried to find an excuse

Are you talking about our sex with Fong? Sarawat asked

"Not exactly... " Tine smiled and tried to flatter Sarawat to calm him down

(The pictures just illustrate the facial expressions)

(The pictures just illustrate the facial expressions)

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Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.


"Well, I'm sure you also got to talk to your friends about us" Tine said

"No, I'm not talking about that... wait except Fong what are you talking to?" Sarawat studied Tine's face

"You know... my little gang..."

"Tine, I can't believe it, if I were to talk to my friends about you how would I feel?"

"It's not what you think" Tine swallowed his spittle.

"So, what exactly are you talking about?" Sarawat folded his hands

"What posi...tions... we do to make it more pleasurable... and how long... hold..."

"You talk about your friends how long have I..." Sarawat was angry

"But you are among the first places" Tine tried to improve Sarawat's feeling

"Who's first?" Sarawat asked

"P'Max... Ohm's boyfriend and then you... and then Phuak's boyfriend..."

"Wait!!" Sarawat thought for a moment


"Phuak doesn't have a boyfriend" Sarawat get more angry

"Wow, it's already early in the morning for us to go to bed" Tine quickly covered herself but Sarawat pulled the blanket from his head.


A perfect match?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora