Married Arc (Part 2)

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"Come on, Kazemi. We don't want to see Kaa-san sad right? Tomorrow, we can watch people running so be a good girl, okay?", Haiji pat Kazemi's back to asked her to loosen the tight grip on his shoulder.

"Yay!! Running! I wanna run!!", buying on Haiji's suggestion, Kazemi immediately let go of Haiji and was brought down to wear the pants with (Y/N)'s help. Then she went off running back to the bedroom while chanting her favorite phrase, 'Run fast' repeatedly. Letting out a sigh, (Y/N) finally greeted Haiji with a smile.

"Welcome back, how is the team doing?", she asked, fixing her hair from the mess caused by her daughter's naughty habit. Kazemi has a lot of energy, she is much more hyper than her brother which honestly requires more patience and encouragement.

"Yeah, they're doing good. I have briefed the timing strategy and Kakeru look especially calm and collected", Haiji answered, walking closer to (Y/N) in an attempt to hug her but was stopped by her hand. He cocked his head, questioning her action as she usually wouldn't mind receiving a hug.

"Wait, I need to check up on Hayate. He has been in the bath too long, I worried he might have...", (Y/N) eyes hardened by the thought crossed in her mind whenever his son stayed too long in the bath. Both Haiji and (Y/N) make their way to the bathroom and exchanged a nod before opening the door. Instinctively, they let out a long sigh, seeing Hayate already submerged his entire upper body inside the water-filled tub while wearing his swimming trunk. A few seconds later he pops his head out from the water and catches his breath.

"Yosh, a new record!", he exclaimed, proud to have a new time recorded for how long he could hold his breath underwater. "Oh, Tou-san welcome back. Kaa-san, I got the longest time underwater. Look, 1 minute 45 seconds! Haru-nii told me the best way to practice at home is stay in the bath and it worked!", Hayate flails his arm around to self-celebrate after getting a fruitful result by following Haru's advice. (Y/N) couldn't help but sigh the second time. She shouldn't let Hayate hang out with Haru again.

"Okay okay, I'm impressed. Now, let's give Tou-san some space. He just came back and needs a good bath", (Y/N) wrapped the towel on Hayate's body and ushered him out. Just before she could close the bathroom door, Haiji stopped her.

"Hey, I need a good bath, right? Why don't you join-", he didn't get to finish when the door shut closed in front of his face. "Haha, guess I need to wait for another time!", Haiji said amused by his wife's cold response as he finds it cute. It's not like (Y/N) rejected him completely so there will certainly be next time.


The crowd cheered wildly as the first runner finished a total of 42.195 km in the Fukuoka International Marathon held in November this year. This would be his last race under the coaching of Haiji and as payback for last year's third place in the group category. Haiji wanted to give him a chance of participating in this year's race as an individual, and Kakeru has proven himself worth the effort. Kakeru never felt a slight regret for deciding to sign up under Haiji's coaching after graduating from Kansei University and pursue his profession as a professional athlete. Now, he can finally accept the invitation to train under a well-known oversea coach for a year in the international camp held for chosen athletes worldwide, respective to the type of sport.

Back hunched, sweat wildly poured down his forehead, dropping down to the ground. He took a few moments to regain his normal breathing and made his way to his teammate who had been cheering and congratulating him for his achievement for getting the first place by one second.

"Congrats Kakeru! Great performance, I know you could pull it off!!", Haiji excitedly said, approaching him with a big grin. Kakeru's gaze shifted to the boastful child sitting in the first line of the audiences' seat behind where their team stationed at. He instantly smiles back while waving his hand back. Haiji only chuckled at the kind gesture Kakeru would pull whenever Kazemi and Hayate are there. He indeed has a soft spot for kids though it was awkward on his first interaction. It is satisfying to be in Haiji's team and Kakeru will be forever grateful for meeting with Haiji since his first year of college. He has learnt many things about life, experiencing the beauty of friendship, and properly stand on his own to search for the meaning of running.

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