"Oh my," I breathed.

Alice looked at me and frowned.

"Maddox is one hot dude," I shrugged. "It's the first time I've seen his muscles out."

"Lucky Savina, I guess," Alice giggled. "But they're all hot."

"Yeah, disgustingly so." I scoffed and suddenly wandered how Maddox's wolf looked like? I shook my head at the disturbing thought.

"C'mon, we got chores to do," she sighed.

I nodded. Alice walked in the opposite direction of the combat field, and I followed suit, not before sneaking one last glance at the men training. My eyes lingered on Maddox. Abruptly, he turned around his storm-filled eyes caught my gaze.

"Shit," I gasped.

My eyes blinked rapidly, and I returned my foolish gaze towards Alice, strolling to the main house. I scowled at myself for being so damn silly.

For the past few days, Faye assigned Alice and I a few chores during our stay, like everyone else. It was only fair. Alice threw a mini tantrum to Brett, but I didn't mind the chores. It kept the boredom at bay.

After an hour, I found myself in front of a farmhouse sink, elbow deep in soapy water, scrubbing the grime off one plate. I was assigned to help in the kitchen while Alice helped Willow with the family's trade business in the office. She had it easier than me as I wiped my forehead and pulled off the wet yellow gloves. A whole hour of washing fucking dishes and I was already exhausted.

Natural light cascaded from the large two windows, warming the enormous kitchen adorned with earthy wood and stainless steel. Freshly cut wildflowers stood in a steel jug on a windowsill beside three small pots of herbs, bringing the beauty of nature indoors. Shelves were lined with neatly arranged jars and spices. Pots and pans hung above the large wooden island table in the centre. I sauntered towards it and stopped dead when a large piece of gutted and skinned animal slammed onto the surface in front of me beside the large carving knife.

"We're having elk for dinner,"

I turned and saw Poppy march around the table, snatching the knife. "The delta's killed it last night. But Alpha Lincoln insists he wants it for tonight's supper," she sighed. "Personally, I think it's best if the meat is at least three days old. It deepens the flavor." She nodded with a pout.

I looked at the bloody, raw meat and grimaced. Since I've helped her out in the kitchen, Poppy did nothing but talk... and gossip.

"Here," she slid a chopping knife at me, and it clattered on the wood. "You can chop those up," she pointed at the far end table to a basket of carrots. "We're having the elk with coleslaw." Poppy darted her green eyes to me and shook her head. Her ginger curly fringe jiggled against her forehead. "Moon Goddess knows why the Luna assigned you to me. You can't even cook!" She huffed and started dismembering the elk. "I might be an omega, but it doesn't mean I have to be stuck with a human."

"I can tell being human is a sin around here," I gripped, grabbing the knife and walked to the basket, staggering with the brace on my left foot. The bright orange and purple carrots were freshly rinsed. I grabbed a thick one and started chopping.

"At least I'm a good prep cook," I said.

"Well, you'll better be. There's nothing but prepping vegetables, meat, and baking." Poppy said, her hands expertly carving the meat. "These people go through a ton of food every night."

"Yeah, especially the twins," I chuckled.

"Sometimes, the cooking keeps me up at night. Slaving away in the kitchen if the Luna invites guests." Poppy complained. Her hands worked swiftly, picking up the haul of meat and slamming it in a copper pan, smothering it with herbs and salt. "But I'll tell ya, that's not the only thing that keeps me up at night." A cheeky smirk appeared on her lips.

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