I and Ria looked around the club and our eyes first shot on the cigarettes and weed placed on the counters of the bar. Both of us were smokers, smoking is like a hobby to me. We sat in two empty chairs and ordered two martinis while I took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up looking around the club to see if there was anyone I recognized.

We were there for about an hour just drinking alcohol and gossiping about some stuff when suddenly my eyes shot up when I saw a cute guy with cornrows entering the club. He wore light blue oversized jeans with a white oversized T-shirt and a purple scarf to top off the outfit. He also wore some jewelry but not too much, he just looked like a model entering the Club.

I kept having my eyes laid on him as he kept getting closer to a table close to ours. When he came nearer he was a bit familiar in the face. I hit Ria's shoulder lightly with mine and pointed toward the guy I just saw.

"That looks like our music teacher, Tom," Ria said as my heart dropped and I got a bit nervous. It hit me, it was him. They were the same just this one more attractive, cool, and handsome looking.

I still kept my eyes on him as I drank the whole martini in one shot before turning to Ria. "It is him," I said and looked at her in the eyes. I was pretty shaken up knowing that a teacher from my school would see me and Ria drink. What if he reports us? He could ruin our reputation and education. 

I ordered some vodka to kinda forget everything that just happened. "1...2...3... Shots down.." it kept going on as it took more and more shots time by time...."Let's go dance!!!" Ria said loudly taking my hand and pulling me on the dance floor.

We kept dancing our hearts out seeing a few guys watching us dance. The men kept staring at our figures, I felt uncomfortable a little but I couldn't care less.

We kept dancing cutely and I suddenly felt someone come behind my back and put his arms around my waist, I turned around and found a cute-looking guy that was a few years older than me looking at my eyes while touching my waist. I smiled softly and put my arms around his neck as some slow music started playing and we started dancing with my hands wrapped around his neck and his around my waist exploring my body.

We kept dancing in a circle as I looked around a little and noticed Tom looking at us. I got nervous that my teacher would recognize me and report me to the principal. I tore my eyes off of him and looked back at the random dude who held me. He leaned closer to my ear and said something that I couldn't quite make out. I just nodded before he took my hand and started leading me through the bar.

We sat down and he ordered a cocktail for me and put his hand on my thigh. Something in my stomach shifted uncomfortably but I was too drunk to care. Tom's eyes were laid on me. He had two girls wrapped around his arms and a few friends with him as well.

My head spun and I looked towards Tom. We made eye contact for a hot second before my eyes drifted to the women he had wrapped around him. My stomach curled in what I guess was jealousy, I didn't like it. Not just because of the fact that I was taken, but because he's my teacher as well. A deep voice was heard from beside me making me look back at the dude I was with. He kept asking me some questions and I found out that he was Twenty-six years old, nine years older than me. I lied and told him I was Twenty-one and he didn't mind.

I felt his hand slowly going up my thigh as it reached my mini skirt and he lifted it and put his hand under it. I should've stopped him there, I was extremely uncomfortable. His hand slowly started going up to my underwear it was clear that the man was drunk. The uneasy feeling in me grew and I pulled his hand away from me. The alcohol still didn't get to me as bad so my mind was still pretty clear. 

He seemed angry by my reaction. the way he narrowed his eyes at me had told me enough. I pulled away and told him that I had to go to the toilet. 

I slid off of the chair and stood up. My heels made noise as I started walking over the cement floor and past Tom. I glanced at him before I heard him get up as well. Nervousness grew in me, is he about to follow me? As I reached the women's toilet, I got in and washed my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair and makeup a bit. I looked drunk, I felt drunk, and my head hurt, I didn't even know where my mind was.

I got out of the toilets with my vision starting to blur. The alcohol is slowly hitting in. Suddenly I bumped into someone making my head hurt even more. A small wince left my lips before I looked up meeting a pair of brown eyes.

"Tom?" I mumbled as he wrapped one of his hands around my waist and pulled me away from everyone, to a private corner. He looked down at me with a cold expression on his face.

"Yeah?" He said in his deep voice.

"What are you doing?" I asked while pulling away from him.

"You're drunk, I'm taking care of you," he said while tightening the grip around my waist and pushing his body against mine. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away powerless.

"Mhm..I'm not.."I mumbled back while pulling myself back. "Someone's waiting for me.." I said turning around and walking away. Honestly, I'd rather feel that strange touch me than hear my teacher scream at me for being in a bar underage. 

Tom grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. I couldn't save myself from his hard grab on my arm and I slammed my head against his chest. "Who's that guy?" He asked in an angry tone while looking down at me.

"I don't even know," I said feeling my head spin now that he pulled me close so quick and hard.

"You have a boyfriend, I don't think that's safe.." Tom said while taking hold of my shoulders and bending down a little to look into my eyes. 

I looked at him and our eyes met. Electricity struck between us making me quickly look away a bit flustered. I was so embarrassed. "I know, just let me go.." I said while trying to pull my hand away from his.

He shook his head before straightening up. He looked around us biting his lips desperately. I couldn't help but watch him. The way his lip piercing sat so perfectly between his skin. Before I knew it, Tom turned back to me taking my hand. He pulled me with his and led me through the club over to where I sat. Tom reached the guy who had just kissed me and took a seat facing him while he made me sit on his lap. I felt kinda weirded out since he is my teacher and stuff but I just went along with it and sat on his lap feeling embarrassed.

The guy looked at him confused. "Who are you?" He asked looking at him furiously.

"Her boyfriend," Tom answered while wrapping his arms around my waist. I felt my stomach do a whole backflip and my cheeks turned a soft shade of red. Did he just call himself my boyfriend?


When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora