|47| Memories

180 10 12

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well today! 💞

Enjoy the chapter!


Like I thought, he didn't change the security codes or passwords. It's still the same from when we used to run this place together. He couldn't change locations or the security system. What a dumbass.

"Have you hacked into the system yet?" Ales asks impatiently. I roll my eyes, letting out a frustrated breath as I turn off the last camera we don't need.

"Yes, I'm finished you impatient ass," I tell him as I slam my laptop shut. I set my laptop aside and we all get out the car.

I strap on a bulletproof vest under my shirt and attach two hand guns around my waist. Lucas tosses me a few extra clips, that I stuff in my pocket.

"Ales and Lorenzo, you're going to make sure mom gets out safely. While me and Lucas," I pause as I load the clip into my pistol. "Are going to go find Vincent and Alexia," I clarify with them.

They both give me a curt nod and we head off in our separate directions. We'll be going in through a back entrance and they're going in through a side entrance.

"Stay safe,"Ales calls out to us. We continue walking through the woods, listening to the crickets chirping.

"Can't believe you let your girlfriend tag along," Lucas whistles as he shakes his head.

"Why?" I ask. As much as I hate to risk her getting hurt, she's proven to be helpful.

She's smart and I know she can take care of herself. And I'm at ease knowing that I'm not far from her.

No one is gonna fucking hurt her again if I can help it.

"Because this is dangerous. And not to be rude, she doesn't look very experienced," he says and I stop walking.

He doesn't even know her, so how can he assume that. "You know nothing about her and what she's capable of. So how about you shut your damn mouth," I say and he stops and turns around.

He looks at me for a moment before he smiles. "You care about her. Yet, your mouth tends to fuck things up," he turns back around and we continue walking.

Can't deny it, he's absolutely right.

"I know," I say lowly. Then I think back to the kiss she gave me on the cheek before she got in the car and drove off. This thought makes me smile slightly.

But she said she still doesn't forgive me. I have a feeling she's not gonna forgive me as easy as she did last time.

"You're smiling, you must be thinking about her," and I realize he's now right beside me.

"Shut up," I grumble out, making sure to wipe the smile on my face.

We continue to walk in a comfortable silence until we reach the fence of the compound. Lucas pulls a pair of bolt cutters and starts clipping the fence. Once he's clipped enough away that we can slip through, we sneak in and start slowly making our way towards the back of the building.

I glance up at the cameras to make sure they're still off. The red light is still off, so no one's found out they're off yet. There's no guards outside but I know there's going to be some lingering in the hallway once we get in.

I push open the double doors and they let out a small creaking sound. We quietly maneuver our way inside, not noticing any guards yet.

We begin to walk down the long narrow hallway, peaking through windows as we pass. Memories from when I used to work here with him resurface as I look into the familiar rooms.

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