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I spent a couple of days resting at my parents house and booked my first ultrasound appointment. It went quite well, the doctor said that the baby was healthy.

And... The girls and I are going to go to McDonald's for tea tonight.

That's all I've been craving for the last two weeks.

My belly rumbles as I pull into the driveway, I'm so excited to sleep in my own bed tonight.

There's nothing like your own bed.

I pull the keys out of the ignition and get it out the car, Stretching my arms with a big yawn.

Emma opens the door and waves, I smile and get out of the car.

Making my way to the boot, I open it and grab my suitcase. Damn this thing is heavy. I need to stop overpacking.

"You're glowing." Emma laughs, I roll my eyes.

I'm far from glowing. My hair is ratty, the bags under my eyes are bigger and darker than ever, I'm wearing an oversized hoodie and a random pair of joggers.

I glare at her before opening the car boot and dragging my suitcase out.

Elisha soon jogs down the stairs and runs out to hug me.

"Hello gorgeous, hello niece or nephew." She looks down at my stomach. I roll my eyes. They all seem to be more excited than me about this.


Once I finished my shift at the cafe, I decide that I'm going to do a little baby shopping to wrap myself around the fact I'm having a kid.

The cafe was quite busy today, I even had a few tips, mostly from men but who cares it's extra money.

Anyways, I enter the back room where the staffs toilet is, and decide to change into a comfy hoodie. More specifically my new favourite hoodie which I stole from my one night stand.

It's actually really cute so why not wear it.

As I stop off my work uniform, I turn to the side to look at my stomach in the mirror.

I'm already showing a bump, this baby is gonna break my vagina by the looks of it.

I stare at it for a moment before putting my hoodie over it, still wearing the black jeans I wear to work.

I unlock the door and say goodbye to my colleges before leaving.

I get the feeling someone is watching me as I make my way to the car park. I looking around but it doesn't seem like anyone is watching me. Im probably just being paranoid.

As I get to my car, my phone dings so I pull it out of my back pocket and smile.

Will: Miss you already.

I chuck my phone onto the passenger seat.

I'll reply later.



The first shop I enter is the cutest little baby shop, there's clothes and nursery decorations. I just love it.

I take in a deep breath, taking in my surroundings. I almost skip to the cutest teddy bear outfit when my eyes catch it.

That's going in the basket. I smile and pick up a few more cute outfits before someone interrupts me.

A cute guy, he obviously works here since he's wearing a uniform and a name take.

"Excuse me ma'am do you need any help?" He asks with a sweet smile.

"Yes please, I've never done this before so I don't really know where to start." I look down in slight embarrassment.

"How about a cot? Have you looked at the different types? And obviously the essentials like nappies, pacifiers, wet wipes."

"Oh yes of course." I laugh slightly.

"I'll help you look, it's this wa-" the man is cut off by a presence behind me. I shiver.

"She won't be needing your help. Run along." My eyes widen. I know that voice.

Before I can turn around, the guy scurries off and I'm met with the face of the man I slept with. The man who took my virginity, who got me pregnant.

He's wearing a suit, his hair is neat and his expression softens when his eyes float down to my little bump.

I don't even know what to say. He steps a little closer so naturally I step back. He does it again until I have no room to move, his tall frame towering over my small one.

"Got something to tell me, sweetheart?" He smirks looking down at my bump and back up to my face.

"I uh no." I stutter, I can't tell him can I? What if he doesn't want a baby? God he's so hot. I can feel sensations in my belly.

"So you're not pregnant." His voice is teasing, he's teasing me right now.

Right fucking now? Oh god, I don't feel too good.

"I think I'm going to pass out." My vision goes blurry and I feel my body starting to weaken.

"Not so fast." Is the last thing I hear before arms engulf me and my vision goes black.

How embarrassing.

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