𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞.

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As I enter the front door, pulling my heavy ass suitcase in, my mom runs towards me with a smile spread across her face.

"I missed you so much!" She squeezes me in a tight hug.

"I missed you too. Where's dad?" I ask when she pulls away.

"He'll be back later, work called him in." She rolls her eyes. "You should take this upstairs, then we can sit down and catch up." She gestures towards my suitcase.

"Okie dokie" I smile with a little laugh before dragging it up stairs.

Once I've un packed a little, I make my way back downstairs so that mom and I can catch up. She's in the living room watching something on the TV.

"Amanda.." mom asks as she looks up from the tv. I smile.

"Yes mom?" I half laugh, she's gonna ask me something. She does this all the time.

"My friend and I were wondering if you wanted to meet her son tomorrow evening? We wanted to set you both up and I think you'd be amazing together! He's a lovely guy, same age as you. And.. I'm pretty sure he goes to the same college as you." She gives me a hopeful toothy smile.

I don't want to but it's not the worst idea I guess, only one evening and I won't have to talk to him again!

"I don't know mom.. what does dad think?" I ask, knowing her answer already.

"we'll he doesn't exactly like the idea.. you're still his little princess." She tilts her head, giving me a knowing look.

I can't wait for dad to come home.

"Fine, but only once." She squeals and claps her hands together.

"Yippee! now come sit here, we've got to catch up!" She pats the space next to her on the sofa so I sit in it.

As we fill each other in on what's been going on in the past few months, the front door opens and dad comes strolling in, he looks tired.

I jump up to give him a hug but feel a rush of dizziness as I do so.

I slow myself down a bit before giving him a hug.

"Hey dad!" He squeezes me tightly.

"Hey darling. I missed you so much." I pull away, he sits down in one of the arm chairs.

"I missed you too. How was work?"

He sighs.

"Stressful, I had an emergency surgery. Anyways, I don't want to talk about me. How's college going?" I smile as mom, dad and I talk about everything.

I end up making my favourite meal for our dinner, my treat.

I absolutely love cooking. It's one of my favourite things to do.

Wifey material.

I've now decided to venture out on a walk, to get out of the house for a bit. As much as I love being home, mom and dad bicker a lot and sometimes it just gets too much.

I'm sure a lot of couples do it, they've been married 30 years.

As I'm walking down the street, my phone buzzes. It's already starting to get slightly dark.

I check to see who has messaged , but when I see the contact my eyes widen.


My childhood best friend and sort of lover.

I frown, I haven't heard from him in ages. We used to be so close, we were close enough to be dating. Half of the school thought we secretly were. I do love him but we drifted ever since I moved away.

Will has always 'liked' me- always flirty, protective. I sort of had a crush on him but It was mostly when we were young, I kinda grew out of it.

Will: I heard you were back in town ;) I'm disappointed you didn't tell me sooner x

Me: sorry will. I've been spending the day with my parents. We should catch up though :).

I sigh, walking along the street until I stop at the gate which leads to the alley way of my favourite place.

It's beautiful, a bank with a small river and a bench over looking it.

Will: Meet me tomorrow? I'll buy you lunch x

Me: yeah of course. I can't pass free lunch, and you obviously x

Will: Great, I'll pick you up at 1. 
Be ready x

Me: I will 🙄x

I sit down on the bench, looking over at the water. Every single bit of stress I carry lifts off my shoulders as I listen to the sounds of nature.

God I love nature, so pure. Quiet.

This place is so nostalgic, will and I used to sit here and talk for hours on end, in the summer we'd jump in the river to cool down.

Life was so easy back then. I didn't have to worry about anything.

It's almost pitch black now so after a few minutes pass by, I start to make my way home.

I love night walks, it's like a breath of fresh air. Sometimes I get a bit anxious being alone at night, I guess it's a normal thing for a woman to worry about though.

My phone buzzes.

Mom: are you okay? You should probably come home soon. It's dark.

Me: I'm fine. On the way back.

The sound of whistling startles me so I look up from my phone, my eyes poorly focusing on a group of men.

My eye sight usually isn't bad, I barely ever get blurry vision.

I keep my head up and carry on walking, they're on the other side of the street, laughing to themselves.

"Nice ass you've got!" One of them shouts.

God I hate men so much. What do they actually get from catcalling? It's a waste of time and a dickhead move.

I'm nearly home anyway. The men are gone now. It's just me. I'm fine.

Once my house comes into view, I start so quicken my pace.

The front door opens straight away.

It's cute that Mom was waiting for me.

Suddenly, I feel dizzy.

"Are you okay honey? You look pale." I nod as she lets me in and guides me to the sofa.

"I'm okay, just a bit worn out I guess." I give her a half smile.

"I think she should get some rest, you don't look so good, should I get dad to check you out?" I shake my head, it only makes me feel sicker.

"No no. I'm fine mom I promise." She gives me a sympathetic look before turning to go back upstairs.

"Good night sweetheart, go to bed early."

"Good night mom."

I make my way into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water, taking a few small sips.

I best get to bed then.

Im just tired. That must be it.

𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘Where stories live. Discover now