3: Sidon, Prince Of The Zora

Start from the beginning

"U-Uh, where are we going?" (Y/n) asked, before she was being pulled towards what appeared to be a well concealed door. She was then being brought into what she could only describe as a room out of a fairytale.

There were little waterfalls on each side of the room, with a grand pool in the very center, with an eating area set to one side of it, and what looked like a study set to the other, that had plenty of books in the wall.

"We are in my room. Here, we will have plenty of privacy. I... am truly sorry to hear that you have such a terrible infliction. I will do all that I can to heal you. Please, slip into the pool." Prince Sidon instructed as he slowly let go of her hands, gesturing to the pool in the center of the room, while (Y/n) fully digested just what he had said.

Did he just say that she was now in his room?

However, upon looking at his expression, any thoughts of foul play could very clearly be seen as not being there. He truly was concerned over her.

After all, a Zora that couldn't swim... It was like a Rito that couldn't fly, a Goron that couldn't eat rocks... Prince Sidon truly felt that this issue that she had needed privacy. What if the young ones caught wind of this inability, and started to tease her about it? The elders would scoff at her, and he really didn't want that happening to her. She just moved to the Domain!

(Y/n) decided to follow his instructions, slipping into the shallow pool, her head over the water, as Prince Sidon stood over the edge of the pool, lending his hands out.

Then, his hands started to glow, alongside the water. (Y/n) was surprised when she felt a warm, tingling sensation run through her body.

However, it didn't last long. After a few moments, the prince suddenly stopped what he was doing, a look of confusion on his face.

"I... I do not understand... You're completely healthy. How come you cannot swim?" He asked as softly as he could. This matter wasn't to be taken lightly, at least not to him.

(Y/n) averted her gaze to the side. "Well... It's like I said earlier. I am not a real Zora-"

"Please, do not say that about yourself. Just because you have this inability now, does not make you any less than the rest of us. Look, I will personally teach you how to swim. No one else will have to know. It will be our own little secret, alright?" Prince Sidon quickly interjected with a tender voice, going to help (Y/n) out of the pool, and hold her hands firmly within his own.

There was a firm resolve in his golden gaze. Sidon was the best swimmer in all of the Domain, so who a better teacher for (Y/n) than he, to teach her how to swim?

His heart ached at hearing her see herself as not even being a Zora due to her inability. He wanted to help build her confidence, not knowing that what (Y/n) was telling him was a bit more literal.

She really wasn't a real Zora. She was a Hylian, and it seemed that miscommunications were going to be very common with this pair, given how they just met.

"W-Well, I... Thank you." (Y/n) slowly nodded. Maybe the best approach to this would be taking it slow, and actually finding out more about the Zora in general, and on how to swim. The very idea of being able to climb waterfalls sounded both thrilling and terrifying.

"Since my schedule is quite busy during the day, I can teach you at night. We will also be able to have a lot of privacy that way, so no one finds... this out."

Prince Sidon was then leading (Y/n) out of his room. "We can meet up at Mikau Lake tomorrow after everyone retires for the night. Until then, take care, and good night." Prince Sidon bid her, as (Y/n) then found herself outside the door, still taking in his rather generous offer.

She really was going to have her swim teacher be their very prince? Was her luck finally starting to shift?

(Y/n) then began to walk around for a while, more so to clear her head, before deciding to head to the inn to request to sleep in their blissful water bed. Though she knew she should probably try to lay more low, and sleep in the pools... It just didn't look comfortable, and it was strange to her to have to sleep side by side with strangers in that capacity.

(Y/n) found herself laying in the bed for a while, just lost in her thoughts.

She at least knew why Prince Sidon had such a dedicated club now. He didn't even know her well, yet he was so eager to help her. He even offered to be her personal swim coach. He really was quite the gentleman, and quite charming.

...There was that feeling again. The return of the onslaught of the internal butterflies. Those infernal insects seemed to not want to leave her alone. She was just awestruck by him. It was pretty normal, right?

Was her yearning for love really getting her this badly? She needed to snap out of it, there was nothing more to this than the prince just feeling sorry for her and wanting to help her out. That's what royalty like him did, anyway. She was just like any of his citizens.

(Y/n) softly shook her head. She was getting incredibly sidetracked. She wasn't here for some romantic pursuit, she was here to find the answers to return to her original body! She needed to stay focused.

"Got someone on your mind?"

(Y/n) jumped slightly from the bed, before noticing one of the owners of the Inn, Kodah, giving her a smile.

"W-What? No, of course not!" (Y/n) sat up, shaking her head.

Kodah giggled. "Oh, there is no need to lie now. I know what you're feeling far too well. The only piece of advice I can offer to you is that if it's meant to be, it will happen, no matter how improbable it seems. Take my daughter, Finley." She began, sitting next to (Y/n).

"She has taken a Hylian to be her boyfriend. It's an unlikely scenario, but not all that rare, since I used to be infatuated with a Hylian in my younger years." Kodah laughed softly.

(Y/n) stared at her in shock, which made Kodah laugh more. "I know, I know, it is still quite shocking. But, that's the joy of love, isn't it? You never know who it will be that will be the one. That Hylian I mentioned, as infatuated as I was with him, wasn't the one for me. Sometimes, the one you think is the one, isn't the one... or perhaps the one you deny is the one, was the one all along." Kodah then placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, a supportive smile on her face.

"Regardless of what happens, dear, know that you can come to me with these problems. I know it must be hard to be new and trying to fit in, never mind having someone on your mind. With time, you will get the answer that you need."

(Y/n) mulled over her words. They were definitely something to think about. Now she knew that it at least wasn't unusual for there to be a union between a Hylian and a Zora... Though she certainly didn't plan for any sort of romance for the time being.

Once again, she was getting sidetracked... Was this how it felt to meet royalty, or did this just have to do with Sidon, in particular?

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