12|to prepare her

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Three of my men stepped away when I strode into the basement. I was busy fixing the black gloves in my hands as my heavy exaggerated steps approached the victim in the middle of the dusty space.

What I loved the most about the place was that it was deserted. It made every sound echo perfectly creating the desired symphony.  

The basement was in one of the houses on the outskirts of Moscow city. The ancient house was in the middle of other homes in the estate. The estate basically had old houses and most of them were painted in a fading blue color.

I stopped at a distance from the manwhore who found it necessary to chase his own death. He must have been thrilled to die soon. I could smell his death, just like his foul sins. People like him deserved to actually die and create space for others.

What angered me, aside of course from the fact that he had the audacity to drug my wife, was that he was busy causing trouble in my place. He was busy breathing the oxygen of Russia for free and had the guts to mess around while in my place.

His frizzy mop of black hair fell all over his head, making it hard for my eyes to see his own. A wet cloth that was wrapped around his mouth was forced between his unclear teeth. 

He was shirtless, and his hands were thrust behind and tied on the metallic chair he was perched on.  

When I brought my face to a better view, he paused his struggles and gazed up at me. I was not sure if he recognized me or if he was preparing to attack in any way possible.

"Let me introduce myself," I crossed my hands under my chest, every muscle flexed at my mere action. "I am someone you shouldn't go around seeking to meet. I believe in my own power, and speaking of that, I will show you what power is."

I snapped a finger to my men and one came rushing to bring me a chair. I sank on it, my legs crossed over the other as I faced the prey.

"When you see me, it is always a pleasure because it will be an honor for you to die after seeing such a rare gem. Congratulations." I clapped with a smile.

He rolled his eyes with a silent grunt. 

"I believe your good name is Walter Klaus. From Germany, Oh, I must remind you that  I am aware of your good family living in Berlin" I watched him shift as though he could magically fly to me and blow my head off. "No, No. They are all good, your mother actually sent greetings."

A strained sound echoed in the room as he tried to utter something. I signaled one man to untie his mouth and he did. The victim exhaled soundly.

"I will kill you, dickhead. Who do you think you are?" there was an accent on the tip of his tongue.

"A man who will serve you your dick." My lips twitched as I controlled the smirk. "Let's get to business, shall we?" I drew myself close, both elbows leaned against each knee. 

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