06|how to impel

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The quietness between us caught me scrutinizing her. She had caramel hair that matched her fading brown eyes. I noticed a tiny mole beside the left eye. Her face was round with nicely set cheekbones and a slim yet small jawline.

My gaze trailed to her bowlike lips, she bit her lower lip, sandwiching it between her clear teeth before she parted her lips to speak.

"This does not explain why I am stalked." She loved to yell, her voice especially was always on a high note.

I particularly focused on her mole. I then shifted the gaze to her eyes and how she kept darting them from the laptop and back to me.

I never uttered a word, rather I resumed rubbing my jawline. I was waiting for a positive response, and even heavens knew I was to get it whether she liked it or not.

She released a quick heavy exhale through her nose and then did the deed again. I briefly gazed at how she would bite her lip, causing it to turn red after. She was natural, with no makeup.

"Okay, and where does marriage come in?" She asked. "I only have to show up for the auction, wear the diamond necklace, showcase it then I'm done. No?"

I pulled the laptop back to me and found more details before pushing it to her.

She blinked shyly. Funny how my eyes noted the small details like she had dark long eyelashes. She then bowed her eyes to the laptop screen with a pout on her lips.

I watched as she read the details and the more she read, the more her forehead creased in confusion or whatever. As expected, she shot her gaze at me.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Do I look like I am?"

She scoffed and then pushed the laptop back to me roughly. "Family should wear the diamond necklace? I am not family!"

"That's why you are marrying me." I leaned back on the backrest and resumed rubbing my jawline.

"I don't want to marry you. Am I a joke to you?"

"Why?" I simply asked.

"Why what?" She raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Why you don't want to marry me? Am I not your type, Inna Grace Ruslan?"

"Okay." She breathed. "If only a family can wear this necklace and showcase it to auctions and whatever activities you run here, then get your sister."

My jaws suddenly clenched. "I don't have one." My thoughts nearly drifted to my dead mother and sister, but I focused.

"Then if your grandma is sick and wants to transfer this honors, your mother can do it."

I felt my body stiffen and I was slowly balling my fist. What was she doing? Rubbing salt on an old wound that refused to heal?

"I don't have one."

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