05:how to fight

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There is this feeling of wanting to smack someone's head when they wake you up from a good sleep. Especially when you had succeeded in getting a pinch of sleep after struggling all night.

I never slept the whole night because of a psychopath who was trying to ruin our life. At some point, I thought he would show up at our window again. When the clock struck 5 AM, it's when a soothing sleep crept in. 

But I didn't feel like I slept even a second when Cole began slapping my cheek. An Alarm was much better.

"Wake up."

"I swear to our holy God, Cole, if you don't stop, I will be forced to throw you out of the window." 

I gripped the duvet and covered my head. I was forcing the sleep not to disappear because if I was not gonna sleep, I would end up having a severe headache.

"Well, that would send you straight to jail because I will fall right in front of the police officers." He continued pulling me up.

"Yeah? Cause I would love to toss you in that same jail and have a moment of silence here alone." I shouted. "Go eat cereal, simple."

"Should I let them in and serve them cereal as well?" He asked and I felt his lightweight pulling out of the bed. 

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "Invite who in?"

"The police officers, didn't I say that we have two officers at the door?"

I sat up hastily, pushing the duvet off my face, and stared down at Cole. Maybe I was wrong but I kinda felt some fear in depth of my heart that made it clear that something was wrong, and trouble was after our shadows.

I kicked the duvet off and stepped down. I slid into my dolly shoes, pulled my pajama shorts down, and fixed my tee, then gunned out of the room 

The wooden staircase creaked at my weight as I ran down. I walked past the sitting room where the TV was on.

I opened the door, there were two officers in a police outfit, and a police car was parked in our front yard. They had been conversing until I showed up. They both turned to me.

"Inna Grace Ruslan." One officer whose appearance was threatening me, spoke. He was huge, his weight was like seventy times mine. He showed his badge and then continued. "Officer Igor and my partner here is officer Ivan." 

Ivan was quite the contrary, he was tall and masculine. His broad physique resembled those famous models you'd only find in magazines.

"How may I help you?" I managed to form a phrase.

"Can we come in?" He attempted to make a step in but I blocked the way.

"No." I shut the door and then stepped out. "We can talk here."

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