07:how to break rules

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"It's called self-defense. That's something you need to know so it can help you when you are in danger."  

Dad's words chimed in my brain as I drove through a road between an area with heavily packed trees. We were in the woods.

I had lost the car that had been following us. The aim though was not to run away from it, I needed to prepare a trap. I was tired of escaping, now that Dmitri decided to tail me in the daylight, I needed to show him what I could offer.

I stopped the car in the middle of the straight rough road. The place was covered with dust but with help of the wind whispering through the trees, it was slowly clearing.

"Wait here." I urged Cole, who was probably unaware of the situation. He was busy on my phone but he was the one who made me aware of a car following us earlier.

"Is there anything I should do to help?" He sounded like those unseen heroes in movies.

I smiled. "Yes, to sit and wait." I unlocked the door and pushed it open. I had to use a few minutes to set a trap for the car which was after us. I went to the trunk and picked up my tools. 

When Mum left us, Dad began teaching me a few tricks of being a professional fighter. I knew he wanted to make me strong, or maybe he knew a time like this would come when I was required to use his techniques.

One trick that he taught me was to attack without my presence. It never made sense until I applied it several times back in high school. The good part of the trick was to drain the attacker's strength, then I would strike them. The chances of winning when that happens were high.

I picked a thick rope I never left behind and a sledgehammer. Those were the tools I had, that was aside from the knife that never left my pocket.

Dad also mentioned to never ran away from enemies, as long as they are the ones coming for you. Maybe I needed to teach Dmitri and the stupid men he sent, a lesson.

At a distance from where my car was, I found two bulky trees which were across from each other. The plan was to tie my rope tightly across the road. 

I could hear a car approaching at a distance. The reason I had my car parked in the middle of the road was to distract the driver so he wouldn't see the rope and focus on our car.

Depending on the speed a car is approaching, the rope could roll over a small car, good thing they were following us with a Lada Niva. The chances of death were low but I knew I could fight some badly injured morons, depending on how injured they are.

It had to work.

I was gripping the sledgehammer tightly as I hid behind a bush. Though my body was tensing as I heeded the car nearing the trap. I had no idea how many prayers I made for it to work. 

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