Chap 9

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Natsu's pov:

Panting I lay back down, bringing Lucy with me onto my chest. Once I'm able to breath properly again I can't wipe the silly grin off my face and hug her even tighter to me, nuzzling her head. "Thank you."

"For---what?" Lucy asks in between pants

"For making me the happiest man alive and making my dream come true. I never could have imagined you'd ever settle for me." I tell her honestly. 'The moment I noticed I had fallen in love with her I already except the life I would spend alone. I could never be the type of guy Lucy wanted, she deserves a prince better fitted for a princess like her. Instead she settled for a dragon/demon with a short temper and a destructive streak.'

I feel a slight slap on my chest and look down towards Lucy glaring at me. 'Shit not even two seconds and I already got her mad.'

"I'm not settling for you." For a moment there I felt my heart stop already terrified she didn't want to be with me. "I love you, you dummy. I'm not settling because I'm getting exactly what I wanted. I have you, you are mine as I am yours, it's been my wish for so long if I was to end up with anyone else it would be me settling."

Breathing a sigh of relief my goofy grin returns. "I love you too, you weirdo." That earns me a flick on the forehead but I just laugh while she stands up. She sticks out her hand to help me up, but I lift my hand signal her to give me a minute. "My legs are asleep." I explain when she looks at me confused. In hindsight I should have probably lied and said something inappropriate to embarrass her because she obviously took the chance to get revenge for the numerous times I've done the same to her and she started poking my legs.

-A week later-

Spending a week alone with Lucy has been some of the best times of my life.

Her mark developed, it now looks like a roaring red and black dragon with torn wing, similar to the one I got during the dragon cry incident, hanging off of the side of her left breast. When she wears her croptop you can see it, but it's fully covered with her button up. Mine covers most of the left side of my neck, but it's also barely noticeable because the color is close to my skin tone. It's all of the constellations for Lucy's keys, if she ever gets another it would probably get added to my mark.

I wish I could just stay in the forest, but I should go back to continuing my mission in a few days and I really should report everything I've found out about the Vulcans to Gramps and see how Happy is doing. Luce suggested to keep this visit to Magnolia as short as possible so as to not stur up the guild, meaning Happy has to get Gramps to Lucy's apartment.

For some reason they've kept the guild resent comments from Gramps so he doesn't know the extent of how bad its gotten. Other than Lisannas crush on me because of how she announced it when she arrived at the guild. Gramps knows I'm not good with that so getting him to agree wasn't that hard to do and luckily for me he and Happy are the two Lucy agreed to tell we were mates. 'It was hard to not touch her in some way before, now I just constantly want to hold her.'

The train ride back to Magnolia was horrible like always, but Lucy took pity on me and let me sleep on her lap, the walk to her apartment was a different story, I had to wear a suit similar to Lokes and Lucy changed my hair color to match his. Up close it was obvious I wasn't Loke if you knew what he looked like, but to those that didn't or where far away they would just assume I'm him. We went with this disguised instead of a cloak to hide myself since it would look suspicious for Lucy to let someone dressed like that into her apartment, but her celestial spirits are always with her and Loke is known to open his own gate constantly.

Happy arrived with Gramps not that long afterwards and after letting Gramps on the floor he flew right into my chest knocking me over from the chair by Lucy's desk I was sitting on, I was trying to see if I could find any new chapters to her book. I don't really like reading, but messing with her can be so fun.

After greeting Happy and hugging him for a few minutes I go over to the table to sit by Gramps, keeping Happy on my head. 'I missed my little buddy a lot. This was the first time we've been separated for a long period of time since I hatched him and I found out that Lucy isn't the only one I feel anxi being away from for long periods of time.'

I quickly fill in Gramps on how my mission is going and the anomaly of the surged of Vulcans. Similar to how Macao got taken over when Luce and I went to save him, a lot of other men have been taken over, but it seems to make a smarter type of Vulcan which is how we ended up with so many big groups of Vulcans.

Once I finish explaining to Gramps, Lucy comes over with food, I move Happy from my head to the table to eat a fish she handed him. She turns to leave, but I grab her hand pulling her down next to me. "You haven't eaten yet either." I tell her moving one of my plates of food closer to her.

"I'll eat in a bit, I have to clean the pan before the grease gets stuck to it." She explains, but I shake my head, leaving my arm over her shoulder.

"Nope, eat I'll clean it afterwards." She sighs and finally starts eating. I leave my arm around her shoulder I start eating as well getting a raised eyebrow from Gramps. 'Right, still haven't told him.'

I'm the first one to finish eating so I gather my dishes and go over to the sink, cleaning them and the pan Lucy mentioned. When I get back I move Lucy's plate in front of me, earning a glare from her, but I ignore it wrapping my arms her waist to lift her up and move her to my lap so that I could hug her while she still continues eating.

A coughing sound has me looking up towards gramps. "Care to explain." He...asks, not really, it was more of a nice command.

I smile hugging Lucy's middle and nuzzling her back. "Luce is my mate." I tell him simply, I can't wipe my goofy smirk any time I remember that.

Gramps looks both happy and concern about my revelation. He nods looking towards Lucy. "Does he know?"

Lucy nods looking down and leaning back getting closer to me. I know the topic makes her uncomfortable and feel bad for Lisanna. "I told him, after I met up with him, but Happy had already given him the full story by letter." She explains.

Gramps turns to me still looking worried. "You made the decision with your own well being in mind or hers?"

The question makes Lucy flinch, but we both understand where he's coming from. "I had to pretty much convince her that the one I wanted to be with was her so mine. If Luce had rejected me I still wouldn't ever be with Lisanna. I've never liked her like that. I don't want to hurt her, but I can't be with her just to spare her feelings. I'm not right for her and end up making her miserable because I would be miserable." I say as honestly as possible. I want him to understand I was the one that chose Lucy, she didn't manipulated me into choosing her.

That answers seems to satisfy him because he suddenly smiles really wide. "If that's the case, congratulations my children! I'm so glad you could find each other even with the situation at hand. Considering the secrecy of this meeting, I'm assume you don't want this reveled in the guild?"

We both nod. "I'm hoping maybe Lisanna will get tired of waiting for me to get to the guild and move on. Tho Luce says it's unlikely since she has waited already for all these years. If by the time I come back she still hasn't Lucy still doesn't want to reveal it, she says it's like rubbing salt on someone's wounds if we do that after I reject her." I tell him while slightly pouting. I want to whole world to know she's mine, but I get her point. Neither of us want to hurt Lisanna and Lucy is scared the guild will turn against her.

The guild can be excessive at time. We almost never do things the reasonable way that includes helping our loved ones. Most of them helping and supporting Lisanna is not surprising, but the way Happy told me they talk about Lucy is so out of character. My only guess would be that they are trying to reassure Lisanna she isn't a rival since they don't do it in front of Lucy, but that doesn't make it alright, we are supposed to be a family, we don't put each other down to lift another up.

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