Chap 8

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Lucy's pov:

Unsurprisingly I'm the first one to wake up. Natsu was still sound asleep on the moss covered floor while I laid on his chest. 'It really wasn't a dream.'

I was going to wait to tell him all about Lisanna before confessing, but in that moment he looked so scared and worried I couldn't lie to him when the truth would ease him. 'I've never liked lying to him and he pretty much knows whenever I am with that dragon hearing of his.'

"What are you thinking about?"

Startled I look up seeing him awake. 'Since when was he up?!' "Sorry if I woke you." I ignore his question since I want to enjoy having him like this for a little longer. 'The moment he knows about Lisanna he'll probably remember the love he feels for her and I doubt I could ever compare to her. Based on a lot of guild members I really don't.'

"You're avoiding my question, what are you thinking about that's made you so sad?" He asks bringing his hand to my cheek and wiping a tear that slipped free.

'Mavis why am I such a cry baby.' Moving away from his touch I sit next to him looking out onto the water. "I didn't tell you something yesterday." I start explaining not looking at him. "I should have told you the moment I saw you...Lisanna is back, she didn't die, she was sent to Edolas and when she came back she didn't feel ready to face the guild. She arrived about a month ago and is waiting for you to come home." I stay looking at the water, I can't see his reaction at knowing the girl he loved never died and is back waiting for him. 'Knowing him he's to dense to understand what's going to happen, but I will forever have the memory of him saying he loved me and tho that probably won't compare to his reunion with Lisanna it's enough for me.'

I expected him to be shocked, but by this point I thought he would be cheering and insisting we left right that moment, but I hear no moment. Worried I look back to him thinking he could have fainted from shock, but he's looking at me with an unreadable expression. 'Does he not believe me?'

Natsu's pov:

I didn't want to believe Happys letter about how the guild is convinced I love Lisanna, but seeing Lucy's reaction even she's convinced. 'Lisanna is great, I love her from the bottom of my heart just like I love her siblings and the rest of our guildmates, but to amazing for words. The fact she thinks so low of herself pisses me off, it's not the confident woman I know and I hate that it's our own guildmates making her think that. We are a family, we don't put each other down just to lift another up. We always find a way to make everyone happy even as impossible as it may seem.'

Sighing I pull Lucy back into my lap shocking her. "What ar-" I cut of her sentence by kissing her and when she gasp in surprise I take the opportunity to depen the kiss. I want to show her she's the one I want to do this with, to be like this with. I've always shown what I mean with my actions because I'm horrible with words.

I've only ever kissed Lucy before, well other than that one time that she put Happy in the way, and never like this so I'm going based on my instincts. Based on the hands tangled in my hair and her legs wrapping around my waist I'm guessing I'm doing a decent job.

I don't know how much time passed, but once we break the kiss we are both panting and Lucy's lips look a bit red and swollen. 'I hope that's a good sign.' I tried to purr all my passion and love for her into that kiss and I hope she understands what I meant by it.

"Happy already told me everything that's going on, I don't really understand why they think that, but I know how I feel. I love all my family and I'd give my life protecting them. But the one I love in the way I want to start a family with is you, I've never felt that way for anyone else. I want us to be together forever." I confess, moving my hands from around her waist up behind her back.

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