I throw my head back against the seat. "I can't stand long car rides," I mumble.

"Then maybe you should've stayed home," he grits.

I go to retort but Angelo beats me to it. "Lorenzo I'm going to tell you one more fucking time to watch your mouth with her," he says lowly.

"Then tell her to stop complaining," he rolls his eyes.

"Do we have any rope in one of the bags?" I question.

"Yeah, it's in this bag," Ales says, tossing a bag into the back seat.

I thank him as I start to rummage through it. I toss out pepper spray, pocket knives, and other random stuff. I pull out a thick bundled up piece of rope, smiling triumphantly. I begin to unravel it, Angelo looking at me curiously the whole time.

"What are you doing, amore?" he asks.

I turn to him and give him a small smile. Then I wrap it around Lorenzo's neck, strangling him against the seat.

Lorenzo swerves, almost running off the road. He slams on the breaks, stopping the car as he tries to free himself.

"I should've stayed home, huh. Now I'm about to strangle your ass," I yell.

Ales is trying to release my grip, and Lorenzo's face is starting to turn blue from the lack of oxygen.

"Sabrina, stop," Ales begs me.

He's finally able to release my hold on the rope, yanking it out my hands and off Lorenzo's neck. He tries to take in air, coughing as he does so.

I look over to Angelo, who's just sitting there with a grin on his face.

"She almost killed our brother and you're smiling," Ales says in disbelief.

Angelo shrugs his shoulders. "He deserved it," is all he says.

"Let me drive," Ales tells Lorenzo, both getting out and switching spots.

I look at Lorenzo's bright red neck and I feel kinda bad. "I'm sorry for trying to murder you," I say softly, looking towards the floor of the car.

When I look back up, instead of seeing a pissed off Lorenzo he has a crooked smile on his face. "Surprisingly, I'm not even mad," he says.

I look at him wide eyed. "You're not mad?" I ask.

"Nope, I actually respect it," he responds.

I shake my head and laugh. "Is it because you're kinky?" I mess with him.

"Would you like to find out?" he asks, and I laugh knowing he's messing with me.

Angelo, doesn't take jokes like that very well though.

He reaches for the rope and I grab it, tossing it to Ales who hides it beside him.

"Angelo, he was just joking," I say.

He scoffs, crossing his broad shoulders over one another. "Just joking, my ass," he grumbles.

I put my hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze. His muscles slowly begin to relax beneath my touch.

This is gonna be a long car ride.


Someone gently tries to shake me awake but I slap their hand away. "Give me like thirty more minutes," I grumble out.

"You can sleep all you want when we get back home. You have to get up now, we're here," and I realize that voice is Angelo.

Reluctantly, I bring my head away from the car door. I quickly wipe the drool off the window seal.

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